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Worst Possible Ending for ASoIaF


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The Starks not directly getting their revenge on the Freys and Boltons in some way.

Robb's efforts being all for nothing because the North remains part of the seven Kingdom. This means he will go down in history as 'The King who Lost the North' and the suffering the North has endured from the IT will go ignored. Although, if Jon is sitting on the IT then I'm not too bothered as he will have close links to the Starks and North.

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Jon Snow is forced to choose between a Red, Green, or Blue coloured explosion. Basically the exact same outcome in every case except that if he chooses the Green eplosion everyone on Planetos gets green tinged skin and eyes (also the animals and plants).

That was a hella dumb ending for Mass Effect after such a great ride, huh? I believe they stole it from Simmons' Hyperion Chronicles in which (spoiler) the president chose to blow up our space travel relay network the same way, only she had a good reason to bring the interstellar society to an abrupt end and isolate the planets, whereas in the game it didn't make any sense because you'd just done a bunch of missions aimed at getting all the species to work together and now they'll never see their new friends again. It was oddly at odds with the story.

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I'm really skeptical how Dany is going to be able to go to Westeros and take it over in a believable and glorified way. The Other's also seem to much like their own story. Obviously we don't know what's going to happen, but I feel one side of the battlefield will be finished a very vague sense to leave way to the other.

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