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The name of the "Great Other" . .. (SPOILER)


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Well in Norse mythology Hodor was blind and the brother to Baldur. A prophecy came about that Baldur would be killed by his brother Hodor. In response, Baldur's mother made all the objects on earth agree not to hurt Baldur. The only object she overlooked was mistletoe.

Afterwards the gods would play a game where they would shoot arrows and throw spears at Baldur I guess to watch them bounce harmlessly off of him. During this game, Loki the god of mischief, came up to Hodor and asked him why he wasn't playing the game. Hodor responded that he was blind and wouldn't know where to shoot the arrow. So Loki gave him a mistletoe arrow and directed him as to where to fire the shot. Then down goes Baldur.

I don't know what this has to do with what Hodor says or the Great Other but I just find it interesting, especially since I think a lot of the Norse end of the world tale of Ragnorak is alluded to in ASOIAF.

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