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(TWOW Spoilers) Gold shall be their crowns, and gold their shrouds...


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I don't think Myrcella will be so willing to listen to Arianne anymore she is returning home and I think by now she knows what happened in Dorne could be considered treason I want to see the change in attitude. I think unlike Joffrey she survives the propechy cuz if she was going to die Darkstar would have done it he's supposedly a great knight. But if Aegon did marry Myrcella he could claim storm's end and casterly rock in her name if he wanted he is a king disinherit Tommen and Stannis and kill all loyalist.

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My big problem with the topic here is that Jon connington has vowed to end the usurpurs line, and if I were Aegon I would be more ready to push the true story, that being that Robert had no children and that Cersei and Jaime were incest loving wierdos than I would to marry a girl with one ear. I would engage Marcela to Sam's little brother while I offered Randyl the Reach.

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They will push that story, sure. The problem is that people who are not happy with Targaryen rule won't believe it, will claim that Myrcella's claims are better than Aegon's. The Lannisters will certainly do that, even if they know about the incest. A couple generations down the line, they won't remember the incest, they will just remember how Aegon usurped Myrcella Baratheon's birthright.

Sam's brother is already married, but Aegon would be stupid to give her to Randyl Tarly anyway. It would make Tarly too strong. If she is outed as a bastard, stripped of all her claims, Tarly won't want her. Otherwise giving her and the Reach to the Tarlys will boost Randyll's power base and give him a claim to Casterly Rock and the Iron Throne... and, given the opportunity, he'd use that against Aegon.

Aegon will at least make sure that Myrcella doesn't pass her claims to Casterly Rock and the Iron Throne on to her children. He might be willing to let her join the Faith.

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They will push that story, sure. The problem is that people who are not happy with Targaryen rule won't believe it, will claim that Myrcella's claims are better than Aegon's. The Lannisters will certainly do that, even if they know about the incest. A couple generations down the line, they won't remember the incest, they will just remember how Aegon usurped Myrcella Baratheon's birthright.

Sam's brother is already married, but Aegon would be stupid to give her to Randyl Tarly anyway. It would make Tarly too strong. If she is outed as a bastard, stripped of all her claims, Tarly won't want her. Otherwise giving her and the Reach to the Tarlys will boost Randyll's power base and give him a claim to Casterly Rock and the Iron Throne... and, given the opportunity, he'd use that against Aegon.

Aegon will at least make sure that Myrcella doesn't pass her claims to Casterly Rock and the Iron Throne on to her children. He might be willing to let her join the Faith.

yes I suppose to faith or the sisters for Myrcella and the wall or the Maesters for Tommen is safest.

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yes I suppose to faith or the sisters for Myrcella and the wall or the Maesters for Tommen is safest.

The question is: will they be given such mercy, like faith or wall? and would that be fair in the eyes of vengeance (Dorn, Connington)?

Golden crowns mean (for me) that they all (Cersei's children) would be of a "royal" family or considered to be of royal blood and would have blond hair.

If I remember right, everything the witch told Cersei had become true already (about her not marring Rhaegar, but marring a king, having separate children with him (3 and 16), even the death of her friend, who she killed herself), why wouldn't the last part of her prophecy be true as well. What if she would think that her children are dead, like Catelyn did, but they would have another fate instead? Actually, I pity them both, they are sweet kids, not like Joffrey.

And as I was reading through this thread, I wondered where everybody get the idea that Myrcella has any kind of independence or is capable of making incredibly important decisions? She is more like Sansa, at least she was described like that. We all know that Sansa is a sweet, gentle and naive girl. Myrcella's even younger and she's also never been described as wild as Arya, for example. I doubt that she even understands what is actually happening, she is being used by others all the time.

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The question is: will they be given such mercy, like faith or wall? and would that be fair in the eyes of vengeance (Dorn, Connington)?

Golden crowns mean (for me) that they all (Cersei's children) would be of a "royal" family or considered to be of royal blood and would have blond hair.

If I remember right, everything the witch told Cersei had become true already (about her not marring Rhaegar, but marring a king, having separate children with him (3 and 16), even the death of her friend, who she killed herself), why wouldn't the last part of her prophecy be true as well. What if she would think that her children are dead, like Catelyn did, but they would have another fate instead? Actually, I pity them both, they are sweet kids, not like Joffrey.

And as I was reading through this thread, I wondered where everybody get the idea that Myrcella has any kind of independence or is capable of making incredibly important decisions? She is more like Sansa, at least she was described like that. We all know that Sansa is a sweet, gentle and naive girl. Myrcella's even younger and she's also never been described as wild as Arya, for example. I doubt that she even understands what is actually happening, she is being used by others all the time.

I definitely agree with your statement that Myrcella is like an early Sansa. I also think it is very likely they will all die after being crowned for the same reason. My quote above was really what I would have don as Aegon/Jon Con, tho as Tini pointed out my plan would have given more power than intended to Randyl Tarly.

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i think that this prophesy will be a self fulfilling prophecy, i think she will kill one of her own kids (gently, of course, like with a poison as was hinted in the tv series) in order to protect them from a "worse" fate.

Her hatred of tyrion, mostly from her belief that he is her valonquor will lead to her death as well, she is already seeing him behind every shadow as kevan pointed out to her. this paranoia will lead to jaime taking her down in some way, but he will die soon after too because too many mentions of them coming to the world together and leaving together have occured.

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