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[Book Spoilers] Saan


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I was hoping for more colorful manners of dress as well with feathers and all that.

I'm sure some would cry out that the flamboyance was somehow racist as well.

Eichenlaub, have you read "race is a four-letter word the genesis of the concept"? Anyways I agree with your stipulation but since the world is a fictitious one you can still strive to restructure the worldview as it is a different world.

That being said I would be upset if there was an even ratio of races arbitrarily mixed among each Westerosi Kingdom as that just wouldn't make sense to me and would seem like pandering.

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The idea that nation and genetics cleanly overlap is a tired myth in our own world. Pirates and sailors end up everywhere. Lys is in much more favorable position to be reached from the Summer Isles than many other places in the East. Of all the crappy changes in the first episode that seemed blatantly unfaithful (to the books) Saan's casting seemed the easiest to swallow.

I wish they had changed his home city/ethnicity at least. A black Lyseni? preposterous. How are TV-show viewers supposed to construct conspiracy theories about Varys if they're under the impression that the Lyseni can come in all colors?!

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