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Tywin or Tyrion?


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I'm a big fan of Tywin. I loooove him. :wub:

I know he's no good guy, but I can't help it, I love him...

So it's Tywin for me, even though I do love Tyrion... And not only for my love reasons, I think Tywin is more qualified anyway.

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  • 3 months later...

Probably Tywin. He didn't become the most richest man in the Kingdom out of thin. Tyrion was struggling with finances when he was temporary hand. There needs to be a hand who can acquire money to feed the people during the long winter. Tywin could do that. He's a seasoned commander who knows war in case the realm has a threat.

Overall he's justb etter suited for the job than Tyrion.

Tywin, fairly easily.

Tyrion is very smart, but he also gets away with being underestimated a lot, and that passes in time. But he's also prone to drunkenness, self-pity, irrationality and losing control.

Tywin is just rock solid intellect.

What I would do, though, is make Tyrion master of whisperers is Varys is found out.

Is there any concern that Tywin seems to have alienated most of the great houses and neglected to produce a suitable heir. The Westerlands is powerful but Tywin has earned the hatred of the Starks, Martells and Greyjoys (they dont matter much, but still) before the series even began. To his credit he tried to secure an alliance with the Tully's (Jaime and Lysa) but that fell apart and he has few friends. If Robert proved anything in his rebellion it was that a good coalition can cause a lot of trouble.

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the mountain clans were just scary but they obeyed Tyrion and never cause trouble. It was bronn's sellsword that did some rapes and tyrion commanded bronn to make them stop.

Predictably enough, my vote is for Tyrion: Tywin always keeps an eye on his own business while tyrion goes out of his way to do his job and he's loyal to the last stand, even for Joffrey (can you see Tywin leading a desperate and possibly suicidal sortie to defend the city?) and his dwarfism, in a place like Westeros, is actually a pro from my point of view, because it would mean that his authority would depend on me (the king/queen).

Besides i prefer his sence of justice and his administration than Tywin's. I can see Tyrion bringing peace through alliances and negotiation while Tywin would do it by murder which only brings hate and more future wars and rebellions.

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Tyrion, the function of the hand is to clear up the mess the king produce and be blamed for all what go wrong in the realm, so the king always have clean hands. Tyrion show that he is able to clear up mess and he is useto be blamed for everyting so he is able to deal with the pressure, and his ego isn't as great as Tywins, he is much more socially, he has more wit and isn't so inflexible than Tywin

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  • 3 months later...

If you were king and had to name a new hand which would you choose Tywin or Tyrion? Please provide reasons, like Tywins experience or Tyrions practicality stuff like that.

Are you kidding me? Tyrion hands down. Tywin is a bigotted bully who's only strong points is fortune and ruthlessness. We have LF and Varys for that!

It was Tyrion's hard work and LF's negotiating skills that won Blackwater. Tywin was just scratching his ass at Harrenhal waiting for something that never came, and lucked out that a lot of people turned idiot and Martin needed plot devices to make the Lannisters win and the Starks lose.

Tyrion's major fault is his constant need for appraisal and that he thinks too much of his wit. Smart man like him should know his limitations, and I don't mean his physical ones. In the end he was outplayed by the QoT, LF and Varys. But then again, so was Tywin so...

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I'd go for Tywin. Then I would tell him "Jaime broke his oaths, I won't have him among my seven. But he did a good job for the realm, so he will be restored as your heir". That should make him like me and be loyal to me, but with Tywin you never know... if he's on your side, you are probably in the winning team, then.

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