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How did Stannis know about Robert's heir?


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Oookaaay.... *gears grinding slowly*

I assumed Jon was killed because he wanted his little girly boy to be sent away to become a man and that Lysa had done it.... I mean I know that Ned assumed Jon was murdered because he knew, but I thought Lysa did it nonetheless...

So at this point... GAH! So confused... So someone knew that Jon knew and killed him which would have been either Cersei or Jamie... But why was Stannis left alone? Unless no one knew that he knew...

I feel like I should have a better grip on this. GoT almost needs to be read twice in a row.

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Stannis was the one to approach Jon Arryn about it. The show ignored this (did you not read AGOT?). Jon was following up with Stannis on suspicions originated by Stannis. That is why he fled to Dragonstone when Jon was murdered--he realized he was a target as well.

Ned found all the bastards by retracing Jon and Stannis' steps.

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I will have to re-read AGOT sometime. There are details that escaped me at first. Stannis having gone back to Dragonstone is mentioned, that much I am certain. And he was Master of Ships for Robert, and attended the Small Council in that capacity, I believe that is also mentioned in AGOT.

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Stannis was the one to approach Jon Arryn about it. The show ignored this (did you not read AGOT?). Jon was following up with Stannis on suspicions originated by Stannis. That is why he fled to Dragonstone when Jon was murdered--he realized he was a target as well.

Ned found all the bastards by retracing Jon and Stannis' steps.

This is the problem with the show, it glazes over important things.

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I've posted twice here and my posts are not showing up...

I figured it out after looking at a map. CoK had just covered how Stannis got Dragonstone and I had forgotten that - new characters and places and all....

So thanks for the help.

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  • 11 months later...

In AOCK through Davos and sort of Catelyn that Stannis deduced that Robert had no trueborn heirs when he saw Joffrey and that Cersei's children looked nothing like Renly or Robert or his bastards. Stannis stated to Davos that Edric on Storm's End looked like a relica of Robert and even Renly was mistaken for Robert on ocassion when first seen by Catelyn, Eddard etc. Stannis knew his brother would never listen to him, but Robert loved Jon Arryn and would listen to him that is why he was killed/poisoned and made sure to die by Grand Master Pycelle when Pycelle sent Arryn's own master away. Stannis left Kings Landing soon after and went to Dragonstone and closed the piers so once someone came to dragonstone noone could leave again to report back. That is why Eddard was killed because the Lannisters knew how close they were and that Robert would listen to Eddard if he stated they were bastards and it is also why the Lannisters pushed up their plans to murder Robert before he found out and could act upon it. It has been confirmed by many characters that Littlefinger lies and cannot be trusted and has lied about key events such as Jon Arryn was sending his son to Stannis to be a ward not to the Lannisters as stated in Lysa's letter to Catelyn.

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