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The Lord Regent of Westeros


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Either Tommen will be coerced into picking Mace via Margery or The Faith will pick some nobody like Godric the holy or whatever his name is (the guy holding Harrenhal) and they will soon get toasted by a dragon. It would be funny if Tommen picked his cat though.

Maybe when/if Tommen picks Mace this will be what drives Cersei to kill him?

SIR POUNCE for Regent 2012!!!

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I wouldn't count Cersei out. She seems to be completely changed and almost shell shocked from her last POV chapter to the epilogue of ADWD. Based on the Cersei I know, I'd guess it's a farce and mummer's show and she is waiting for her opportunity. Kevan's death will bring back the old Cersei.

I think Mace Tyrell will be the Lord Regent and Queen Margaery will have a voice in the rule of the Realm. However, once Ser Robert Strong proves Cersei guiltless of the heinous crimes put against her, she will make her move. However, with all the confusion of rulership going on at KL, I think Aegon, the false dragon, will have no trouble taking the capital.

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Is there any evidence that the small council LEGALLY appoints the regent? Traditionally (in England anyway) the king-mother would be 'regent-apparent'. Regardless, with three wars going on its clearly going to be a case of might makes right. I think its clear that IF Cersei can grab up Margaery and hold Tommen, she can negotiate her regenthood with a knife to the little queens throat. If not, she can call herself what she wants but the Tyrells have the power to veto anything she attempts via force. Its unlikely they would force a fight with Lannister guardsmen if Tommen might be hurt (lets not forget THEIR only tie to the throne is via Tommen, they cant risk his life). The Tyrells can in theory squat in King Landing and rule by default... however they have issues with both the Iron Islanders and Griff's forces threatening their seat of power, so they have a strong incentive to cut some kind of deal. It could be they think Kevan was behind the whole Margaery scandal and are underestimating Cersei- they may even seek to allow her the regency thinking her easy to manipulate (a suggestion our friend Varys could well whisper in a few ears). If they think Lannisters are a spent force and with the small council in their pocket they can afford to allow Cersei to nominally rule... it could be a seductive bargain given the number of threats the Reach is under.

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