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Hangman 2.0

A Bear covered in Fluff

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Continuing from previous thread

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_ _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _



Basically just like paper hangman a host has a topic and words set out for people to guess letters to spell out the answer.

  • For each wrong guess the hangman grows until all 6 guesses are used up and he's dead Jim!
  • Host keeps track of used letters so no one has to ask them again.
  • Use wiki of ice and fire for proper spelling and when on setting up your game, keep an open tab of whatever it is to make sure you have enough spaces available!
  • Hints optional but not manditory (subject is also included under hints)
  • If you guess the full word or phrase and get it wrong, you cannot guess again until riddle is finished

example of full hangmen





/ \

example of game

P O _

Used Letters: A E

Hint: It's funny


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