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Doran Martell possible prologue in WOW?


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I think Winds will open up with Doran Martell's death sending Dorne into chaos. Doran Martell's death will give the Sand Snakes more flexibility on whether to put Dorne in all out war against the Lannisters. Also, it would put Arianne Martell who is on her way to see Aegon from the Winds sample chapter in more of a power position, after Quentyn's death.

it could get interesting but i really hope it doent happen, i like doran and i wish he gets to see his family avenged before his death.

i think i would prefer a prologue at oldtown again or even at the vale and and a epilogue of some random Lannister guard watching tyrion and dany taking Casterly Rock :thumbsup:

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As Doran have once said, the power of Dorne relies on people thinking that Dorne is powerfull.

I don't think that Dorne will actually play a part in the upcoming war beyond forging allignances based on the myth that the people of Westeros give to the Dornish military (thus offering some kind of protection to (f)Aegon).

Not that i'm saying that the Dorne characters will be irrelevant, far from that. Their power lies on deceit, politics and poison, not on a strong military backup.

Dorne does have an army just not a huge one. I'm not entirely sure if they have 40,000 men but I would estimate about 30,000 to 20,000 for sure. Dorne is one the seven Kingdoms they do have an army that is currently raised and poised for war, I actually wouldn't be surprised if they really have 40,000 by now as they been waiting since book 2 to make a move.

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