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ASOIAF Associations Game v.2

Jaime's Wench

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All thanks goes to MrsManderly for starting this exceptionally difficult wonderful game.

The rules:

  • The host comes up with three sets of 5 words/phrases.
  • Each set of 5 words/phrases are associations for a Clue, there being three Clues total.
  • The three Clues in turn are associations for the puzzle's Final Answer
  • The host starts by giving the first set of the 5 words/phrases for the first Clue.
  • Once the participants guess the first Clue (or give up and beg for merdy), the host gives the 5 words/phrases for the next Clue, and so on.
  • Participants may at any time guess the answer to a Clue or directly take a stab at guessing the Final Answer
  • The Final Answer must be something from the ASOIAF world - a character, event, concept, place etc.
  • The words/phrases given and the three Clues can be either things from the ASOIAF world or other/generic things that ultimately lead by association to the ASOIAF-related Final Answer.

Here's an example:

Clue 1 words/phrases

  • salt
  • raid
  • bridge
  • blood test
  • Hagaar the Horrible

Clue 1: Iron Islands (salt wives and sea, raiding the mainland, Pyke castle has bridges, when you take a blood test they check your iron levels, Ironborn are like Vikings - Hagaar from the cartoon)

Clue 2 words/phrases (revealed by the host after Clue 1 is either guessed or participants can't guess Clue 1):

  • grief
  • straw
  • Little Mermaid
  • Titanic
  • CPR

Clue 2: drowning (phrase "drown in one's grief", a drowning man grasps at straws, Little Mermaid lives under the sea and saves prince from drowning, Titanic- lots drowned, you give CPR to someone who's drowning)

Clue 3 words/phrases (revealed by the host after Clue 2 is either guessed or participants can't guess Clue 2):

  • house
  • Julius Caesar
  • Althing
  • Duma
  • Guy Fawkes

Clue 3: parliament (parliaments often have different houses (Congress/Senate), JC was stabbed in the Senate-Roman parliament, Althing is the parliament in Iceland since the middle ages, Duma is the Russian parliament, Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the British parliament)

FINAL ANSWER: Aeron Damphair (Ironborn, priest of the Drowned God, called the Kingsmoot/parliament)

So there it is!

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