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5 Names you couldn't pronounce, even till now.

Where Went Whent

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1. Hizdar lo Zoraq

2: Kraznyz bla bla bla

3: Grazdan bla bla bla

4: Qorgyle... As in WTF

5: Groleo. The name is obvious but only english ppl would pronounce it as it looks. Others might say Gro-Lay-Hoe or Grolo

Hahaha I'm spanish, so Groleo it's not a problem for me xD

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R'hllor. How the holy hell does one pronouce that. I either say Ruh-lore, or Urr-lore, but both sound too stupid to be right.

Kraznys is pronouncable, but waaaayy too obnoxious. I don't like saying it, and spelling it is a bit irritating.

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I always thought Jeyne was "Jenny" until.... Jeyne Jeyne it rhymes with pain... I was like "duh".

And in my head I made up this elaborate pronunciation of Damphair. Something like Dam-fear (like he was French or something) until one day I reached enlightenment and realized Damp...hair, because his hair is....damp. :blink:

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