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Which Houses (apart from the Martells) are the most likely to support Aegon?


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I doubt any Houses in the Westerlands will.

Really? After the mockery Tywin and Cersei have made of their name, honor and reputation, because of events such as the Red Wedding, Cersei's trial in which she CONFESSED TO and was CONVICTED OF several crimes which resulted in her having to do a walk of shame? I'd be surprised if any Westerlands houses continued to support the Lannisters

The North - still likely to support Stannis, they haven't quite forgotten the Targaryens

The Reach - The Tyrells flip-flop easily, once it looks like Aegon is winning they'll switch to his side

Iron Islands - probably not

The Vale - Littlefinger probably doesn't give a shit about Aegon (or anything besides himself) so he won't be too observant of stray lords declaring their support for Aegon

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