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Hands of the king


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Hi, i am a spanish fan, so first of all, excuse me about my english.

I have been compilating the info about the Hands of the King. After that i compared with the charts in westeros. I have found in westeros info about Lyonel Strong that i didn't have in my research, but in the other hand i have a Hand that it isen't in this chart:


I get that info from the "Sworn sword" when Dunk is talking with the septon about the Great Spring Sickness:

Neither young nor old were spared, nor rich nor poor, nor great nor humble. Our good High Septon was taken, the gods’ own voice on earth, with a third of the Most Devout and near all our silent sisters. His Grace King Daeron, sweet Matarys and bold Valarr, the Hand . . . oh, it was a dreadful time. By the end, half the city was praying to the Stranger.

I am not sure if that means that Valarr was that Hand after his father´s death or it just a way to say that Valarr died along another man that was the Hand of the King after Baelor.

One way or another , i think that chart must have a space between Baelor and Brynden.

I will like to think it was Valarr, but what do you think?

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The way the text is presented, it is implies that Valarr and the Hand are two different people, both of which died of the Sickness at around the same time. I agree however that your reading is also a real possibility.

All we can tell for sure is that Daeron II had chosen a new hand after Baelor's death and that he died shortly after from the Sickness. Well, and that it was neither Matarys nor the High Septon.

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