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Always a Stark in Winterfell

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It sounds logical. The rebellion started with the excuse to save lyanna (Who i personaly believe is the mother of Jon..) the only reason for the younger brother to stay behind should have been the matter of the family line.. But it doesn't prove ''there must always be a stark in winterfell'' has a deeper meaning. With 2 sons left its just not a safe bet so send them all of to war.

Ask for joining de NW: Don't think he had much other to do then to join the NW when everything was settled...

The readers only know Ned said the words, the meaning behind them might just be a family matter of something he father said to him when his brother and he went of to get BBQ by the mad king.

There is the connection between the wall and the Starks though, but Roose Bolton looks to be a decendent from the creepy king who slept with a white walker *juke* and dabbels in black magic, his family might as well have a mysterious bound to winter......

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