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[Book Spoilers] The Lack of Northern Bannermen


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When reading the books the fact that great warriors like the Greatjon and the Blackfish are at Robb’s side gave me as a reader the feeling that Robb’s cause wasn’t lost. I know that in season 3 it’s the purpose to show that Robb is losing the grip on his bannermen, but with the Greatjon not cast again and that the Blackfish will probably remain in Riverrun during this season, there is in my opinion a great lack of Nortnern bannermen with actual dialogue and screen time. At the moment the only recognizable northern bannermen with some proper screen time are Bolton and Karstark, and they are the dissidents.

This was already a problem in the very average season 2, but now at the start of season 3 I had hoped they would bring some more northern bannermen into the season. Since the RW is coming up this season, it feels to me that this dramatic scene will play out with extras with whom we as a viewer have no affiliation . I think the RW would get so much extra dramatic depth when you would recognize Mormont, Smalljon, Manderly etc in this scene.

Any thoughts on this?

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I think Blackfish will serve as a badass sidekick for Robb this season. Karstark is in open discontent, Bolton is in slight dissatisfaction but still supports Robb and Edmure is a generally nice guy who can't do anything useful.

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Is it true that the Greatjon will not be played?

I've not heard that. Is this because the actor who plays him got his ear bitten off recently?! As horrible as it is, i found it a little amusing as Bigjon bites off someone's ear at the RW in the book.

I think Bigjon being held captive is important for later on, so I would guess he must be in this?

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