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How big is Westeros compared to the USA

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Werthead. My recollection of GRRM's quote was that the lands beyond the Wall are Greenland sized, not Canada sized. Unless you have a different, more recent quote in mind.

GRRM said they were "the size of Canada" in one of the talking heads he did for Game of Thrones. I find it hard to believe, too.

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I take this as yet another proof that GRRM's sense of scale in geography is not the best, and one should take these generalizations -- Westeros is the size of South America, the lands beyond the Wall are the size of Canada -- with a grain of salt. He just means, you know, it's a big place.

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Seems to be in keeping with most of the other map sizes, though Skagos does seem to be a bit stretched in comparison to others. It may be a perspective issue (this is the draft for the 'Beyond the Wall' map from ASoS, I believe). Overall, though, Skagos seems to be roughly the size of Ireland, meaning it could have a (relatively) substantial population. It's not a tiny lump of rock in the sea, which I've seen some dismiss it as.

Good stuff. Important to the story and it makes you do a little head math.

On "real" maps, any place (like Skagos) may appear smaller or larger (distorted) depending on the way it's projected. But that's way beyond scope of this adventure ;-)

I think 3k miles (1000 leagues) is an appropriate number* from Wall to Dorne. Specifics are not terribly important though. Anyway, it's a big place and there needs to be wiggle room otherwise managing chronology would be too insane.

A number of times in the book the quoted distances are not accurate for example Littlefinger in AFFC (i think) said KL was a thousand leagues from the Eyrie. Perhaps by way of the fingers, then by boat wiggling around the coast but more like 250 leagues by the roads. I think the point was it's a LONG WAY to walk or ride a horse.

*Using the wall as a yard stick

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