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12 Major Plot Points to Anticipate in The Winds of Winter


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The pov that I am most looking forward to is Jon's. I think that he will warg out and be in ghost a little too long, Theon dying in front of a heart tree with his kings blood should set him to right. So jon's body will be fine, but as when bran was in summer and summer was really hurt, summer wouldn't let Bran in. Until Jon nolonger fears his body, he will stay in Ghost. Only i think that ghost will know that Jon has to go back, and will take Jon to Bran. Through the tunnels, those mountains that connnect with shadow tower is how ghost got back from beyond the wall the first time. I think that Ghost is going to take Jon to BloodRaven and he's going to show Jon his past, through ghost then send Jon back to his body. While Ghost goes back throught the tunnels. There are free folks up in the Thenns and the North needs dragonglass. All of that can be done by going through the tunnels and mining the glass. Plus the Shivering Sea connects to the Free Cities. If Rhegal flies over the demon road and then heads north, that could be where the dragon and rider meet. THe demon road is full of demons and unspeakable things, and so is the north, they both have to learn to fight demons. This way it's not on the job training. Last but not least there is the fact that If jon is in Ghost for an extended time period, then there is going to be major change in the both of them. Having a wolf for a skin is a marriage and when they seperate, jon is going to have wolf senses, strenght,speed and indurance. Remember Jon knows that he is not the best swordfighter, well with a little something extra like wolf speed, timing and hunting skills, that would make Jon ver deadly indeed.

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I can't wait to find out what happened at the Wall....and not so much Jon but what happened to the Wildlings, the NW (those loyal to JS and those who aren't) and all the Queen's Men? Sorry but Mel can go back to Hell for all I care...

There were 4 distinct groups who just had the Conciliator (Jon) assinated in front of them. They all have a huge stake in what will happen to him...whether dead or not.

I've also wondered if Jon does warg into Ghost (for a short time), whether this will bring out the "Wild Wolf" in Jon - he may turn into the badass he was meant to be.

Plus I want to see first hand Commander Stannis - we keep hearing how great he is in a battle - I want it described in A LOT of detail - even if Stannis doesn't make it through the battle of WF (but I think he will). He deserves a win just cause he invokes fear in his enemies - its time GRRM showed us why Stannis is one of the most feared battle commanders out there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm most definitely looking forward to the downfall of Cersei Lannister and the role that Jaime will play in it. It's not that I hate her or anything, nor is she my favorite character in the whole ASOIAF-verse. It's just that people rise and will fall eventually. Cersei has been so paranoid she's actually helping the prophecy fulfill itself.

I'm also looking forward to know what happened to Jon after the ides of March. He really is my hero. I don't believe he's dead, not at all. I am, however, really curious as to what state he's going to be in on his return to the scene. Is he going to be himself? Is he going to be something else? Will Mel be involved? And there's also still the question of his parentage!

Another plot point that I'm looking forward to is Sansa's journey from being a pawn to becoming a player.

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This book is going to be jam-packed. Where to begin?

The outcome of Cersei's trial and aftermath. She's a horrible person, yet a great POV.

Stannis vs the Boltons.

How Jaime will escape Cat again.

Davos in Skagos.

Where Arya's path is taking her next.

Aftermath of Jon's "assassination" at the wall.

Will Sansa be in control of the Vale by the end of the book?

Aegon possibly taking the Iron Throne.

The Battle of Mereen.

How Jeyne Westerling still fits into the story.

Garlan and Wilas vs the Ironborn.

Is Benjen alive?

Land of Always Winter.

Some think Daven Lannister's wedding is going to be a second RW. I wonder...

How will Tommen die?

The outcome of Margaery's trial.

Where Bran's story goes next.

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It's pretty amazing how good of a list you could make just with arguably "secondary" characters' plots:

-Rickon and Osha on Skagos

-Galbart, Maege, and Howland in the Neck

-Daven Lannister and Tom o'sevens in Riverrun

-Sandor on the Quiet Isle

-Bronn and his sellsword army in Stokeworth

-Aurane Waters and his pirates

-Aeron trying to call up a kraken on the Iron Islands

-Willas and Garlan fighting the Ironborn

-Varys stirring up more shit in King's Landing

And I'm leaving out plenty.

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My personnal 12 expectations :

1 - What the heck will happen at the Wall between Watchmen, Queensmen and Wildlings.

2 - Battle of Ice. So curious to see how things will evolve there.

3 - Battle of Fire. It has the potential to be fucking huge !

4 - Daven Lannister and Frey wedding.

5 - Cersei and Margaery's trials.

6 - Sansa's actions and decisions.

7 - What is Euron Greyjoy grand scheme ? How will the Damphair react ?

8 - Mysteries of the Citadel discovered by Sam.

9 - Jaime, Brienne and LS confrontation.

10 - Arya / Izembaro ? What's up ?

11 - Bran learning his skills, exploring world and history via weirnet.

12 - Martell - Connington - Aegon alliance and their conquest.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's reaaaally hard for me to pick just 3, but I will. I think one or two of mine are on the more unpopular side (haven't browsed the thread yet). I just want to see the plot fallout from them more than the events themselves.

1. Jaime, Brienne, and LS.

2. Cersei/Marge's trials

3. Battle of Winterfell.

A close 4th is Shireen's role in all of this. (And Patchface and Selyse to a lesser extent)

I mostly just want to know who the fuck all dies. But I figured that was a cheap answer.

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