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Ramsay Snow?


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So i watched the tv show and have read the book and still dont really understand the whole Ramsay Snow/ Bolton storyline....why is sometimes called Snow??? I know he is Roose Boltons bastard but why the Snow name??? Im really confused about why he is torturing Theon and all too. Any help would be awesome!

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First of all, Ramsey does not appear in the third book so I don't really understand why you post it here, I guess you didn't read agot, because there is explained that all bastards from the north are named Snow, I think you have only read acok (altough I aven't seen season 3 of the tv show, so I don't know all the changes (and I'm very happy with it)). He tortures Theon because he likes to torture people.

And if you don't understand what happened in acok but was left out in the tv show ( :bang: ), this was what happened: Ramsey forses lady Hornwood to marry him and signs something where she declares him lord of her territory with. Then Rodrik's soldiers kill Ramsey and catch his servant Reek and put Reek captive in Winterfell. Then Theon conquers Winterfell and frees Reek (who helps him with a lot of things). Then Rodrik Cassel, Cley Cerwyn and Leobald Tallhart come with an army to take Winterfell back. Reek sais to Theon he'll go find help from the man of Ramsey. He arrives right on time and defeats the army of Rodrik Cassel. Than Reek reveals to Theon he is in fait Ramsey and that they killed Reek, thinking it was Ramsey and cought him, thinking he was Reek. Then he knocks Theon out and his men kill Theon's.

Do you understand everything now?

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Well I watched the entire 3rd season and read where the show left off in the third book which was about half way through and was really confused because they never mention anything.

Well, you should not do that. As you've noticed, you'll end up very confused. The books now count about a thousand characters, the show doesn't nearly come close to that. A lot of those characters are introduced to you in the first books. Or rather, they would be if you had read them. You should stop reading ASoS right now, and get back to reading the first books. Especially in the second one, a lot of things start differing from the show, and that effect only culminates over time.

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