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Anyone know why...


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...the entire northern coast of Essos has no cities or towns on it? Yes, the Dothraki roam to the south but other cities on the southern coast exist, and it seems unlikely that the Dothraki Sea extends for such a great distance. So why is there pretty much nothing east of Norvos for thousands of Km/Mi?

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The maps are supposed to be from the knowledge of a maester in the Citadel, so the more you go East/South, the less knowledge you will have of the area. Well, that or the mapmaker was lazy.

There are plenty of towns and castles not shown in the maps of Westeros, so one can infer that there are as many unmapped cities in Essos, if not a whole lot more.

There you have it. Might be we get to learn more in TWOW and ADOS or more likely in the GRMM-arillion next fall.

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The maps are incomplete, but probably there are also lots of small whaling or fishing communities not worth putting on a map-since Ibben is often referred to as a whaling center, maybe the north coast is like the Norwegian fjords: there's people there, but not many large towns or cities.

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The Word book is not the GRRM-arillion. That's a future possibility.

I read this and this and got the impression that TWOIAF became more than previously intended. And that them all was part of a coming GRRM-arillion.

Originally the book was scheduled for release in November of this year. So why is it being pushed back? It’s becoming a multi-volume affair!

But correct me if I'm wrong!

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