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which king would you have

Noah Snow

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I think if we were to remove the specter of the R'hollor's faith that Stannis so strongly aspires to, the answer is probably pretty simple. The problem is, the second Baratheon is too rigid in his ways and beliefs. It won't be a surprise to me say, that he'd suspend believers of the Seven and the Northern gods to dungeons somewhere after a time.

i'd have to go with Renly really. SImply put, as stupidly ignorant as he is....you'd only have to smile at one of his many feasts (were you to be a Westerosi lord) to continue to be in his favour. He'd need to be bolstered with a smart and capable Hand, of course but I think the Realm would be in a stronger place with him.

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I'm on the group that thinks Renly being King wouldn't be such an issue. He was popular with the smallfolk, he doesn't seem to be treacherous or a downright evil ruler. His rule would go on a bliss, in my opinion. Also, having the Tyrells by his side, It'd hardly be a bloody Kingdom. Stannis would unfortunately generate a lot of unrest, especially with his new faith, the Lord of Light. In terms of who's the most just king, I'd go with Stannis. And what's the best for the Realm, I'd go with Renly. So:

1. Renly Baratheon.

2. Stannis Baratheon.

3. Robb Stark.

4. Joffrey Baratheon

5. Balon Greyjoy.

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Robb, then Stannis, then Renly. The other two can feed the crows.

I don't think Robb makes bad ruling decisions at all, he made some bad personal decisions. Otherwise I think he would've been a great king.

Stannis has his morals which might be a good thing, but if the talk of him banning whore houses (was that him?) is true I feel like some of his uncompromising ways wouldn't be very good for smallfolk.

Renly... I like Renly just because he'd act as a good figurehead, better than Robert was at least. He'd be younger Robert but probably more involved in actual ruling instead of ignoring debts and being a whore.

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I don't think would much of a drunk or should I say lush, at least not on the level of Robert but his parties and tourneys would likely be more extravagant, he would likely have driven the kingdom even further into debt. Stannis would be a hard ruler and not many if any people will be happy with him during his rule but he knows and is what the kingdom needs. People would look back on him and think of him as a great king. Much like Abraham Lincoln, he was a very unpopular president but is widely considered one of the greatest we've had now.

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