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  2. It's the story of Azor Ahai told another way. The Dothraki spun the story according to what they know about in order to make it make sense in their reality. They know horses, grass, and khalasars. So this great leader will mount the stallion and bind the khalasars together to follow her. It is the same event just seen from the eyes of different people and they composed tales and legends for their own people.
  3. Kinda cool that we will be able to see a nova with the naked eye in our life times, kinda meh that no one will notice it except those who know where to look. Also pretty cool that astronomers are able to be this precise about when it's going to happen. Though I guess it needs to happen before anyone can say the predictions were correct.
  4. This is all escalating quickly and I don't like it one damn bit.
  5. How Bran treats Hodor is very troubling. He knows better and still continues to invade Hodor's mind. Bran is the most severe kind of slaver. He controls Hodor in body and mind. Hodor has no agency and gets forcefully used to satisfy a sick voyeurism.
  6. Mine is so vanilla it's almost embarrassing to mention it in a serious thread: spiders. Though it's not really even a complete phobia, little spiders that I know can't bite me in any way that I can feel it don't bother me at all. So I guess the real phobia is being bitten by a spider. Interestingly the two critters I have some fear of are the two critters that I got bitten by when I was a kid and had no phobias up to that point. I got bitten by a [non poisonous] spider when playing with a spider and by a weta* when playing with a weta. I was obviously freaking the two critters out and they were probably afraid for their life, hence the bite. So if I had been more aware of their fears at the time I probably would not have those fears now. *what is a weta? Cockroaches in groups give me the ick, but definitely not a phobia.
  7. Yes, a *check notes* good thing here. Picture the GDP growth enjoyed by ruthlessly exploited workers!
  8. Many poorer farmers and tenants in Britain were effectively forced off the land by successive Enclosure Acts, which enclosed previously common land in the hands of wealthy landowners. Marx saw it as systematic theft of communal property. It had benefits in more efficient agriculture (and more profitable for landowners) and, of course, led to a steady supply of industrial workers who could be ruthlessly exploited until they were able to collectivise.
  9. Thank god it wasn't restricted to 8eps like almost everything has been lately. Would love more as well, its just fantastic.
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/apr/19/middle-east-crisis-live-updates-iran-israel-today-explosions-isfahan#top-of-blog Fuck.
  11. It's not a game, but an art... Yeah, me too. Getting kicked around by y'all once in a while helps keep the AI Chatbot that runs my brain from getting too full of itself.
  12. Today
  13. Fevre Dream was great. The ending resonates with me till this day. Both volumes of Dreamsongs are on my TBR shelf, as is The Ice Dragon.
  14. That poor tarantula. (I definitely had to look that name up, didn’t recognize it at all)
  15. Whoa! You're right! How about flying cockroaches????
  16. Yes oh yes. No problem at all w/ any other critter, not at all afraid or bothered, but cockroaches... yyyyyyiiiiiikkkkkeeeeeeeessss! And in the non-critter department, sleeping with socks on. Eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww!
  17. Cockroaches. Oh, dear god. Aaaaaugh!!!
  18. Gosh, I'm trying to think if I have one. Can't come up with it. I used to have a few . . . claustrophobia, for one. MRI's were challenging. Since my doc put me on a mild dose of Paxil, I am not bothered by closed-in places at all. I feel like I SHOULD have a phobia, but I don't! WAH!
  19. Plemons brought them to the costume fitting himself and asked what they thought if his character wore them, power the costume designer. He came in last minute because another actor backed out of the role, and since he was hanging around set anyways Kirsten suggested that they ask him to fill in. By all accounts, a very successful piece of nepotism.
  20. Voting (First Phase 160 million eligible voters across 102 of rhe 543 total constituencies) began in India today exactly an hour ago. Largest democratic elections ever. We do tend to break our own records every 5 years lol. Cast my first vote, expectedly in vain, but hopefully not. Till June 1, then counting and results on 4th.
  21. The theater I go to just redid their dolby BTX, or whatever, and a few of those gunshots scared the shit out of me. They were crazy loud. And I wonder whose idea it was for Jesse Plemons to wear those glasses. Man, he really knows how to play those type of roles.
  22. Agreed! If anything my argument here is those high standards should based on education/occupation, not on income. That’s all I was trying to say. But of course that’s just a general point. You do what works for you, cuz clearly it’s working!
  23. Apologies. I did not intend to sound hostile. I get a little exasperated probably because I just assume that everyone has read the same depressing stuff that is constantly in the news about dating, starting from the book by the OK Cupid founder and the massive troves of data regarding the dating preferences of men vs women to…..(basically, men pay more attention to women the younger they are, with age 18 being prime age for women, to age 51 being the prime age of contact for men on the same dating apps) all the articles in various magazines on those same massive troves of data, which are all of the exact same thing. (Let’s not forget that the more educated a woman is, the more difficult it is for her to find a partner, because men actually prefer non-educated women, while educated men are preferred by women). And let’s not forget the book by Nancy Jo Sales, which I believe was titled “My Life in the Dating Inferno”. Basically, any single woman over the age of 40 is often hit over the head with “you are more likely to get struck by lightning than to marry a man after age 35” and then once one starts to approach the age of 50, well….might as well get three cats, and good thing you’ve got a great career? We all get told to “lower our standards” when that is the last thing we need to be doing.
  24. Maybe one is: @mcbigski, is that your truck? I thought @Week said just one time.
  25. Balderdash. 47 is definitely not old. There's tons of guys your age or older who are smokin'. My husband, for example, is MUCH older than you are, would have women falling all over him if I wasn't in the picture. I worry for you, BFC. That attitude isn't gonna get you anywhere.
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