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Ned Stark is last true king Westeroes


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It all started when Robert was about to die and he made Ned Protector of the realm until Joffrey reached the mature age of 21(unbeknownst to Robert Joffrey wasn't even his son).Just because Cersei tore the statement doesn't mean Ned wasn't king .Joffrey didn't even reach that age. Tommen is too young too rule and truly has no real right to the realm(suggesting Tommen might die before he reaches age of maturity as-wellor quit being king knowing his personality). And why make a tv show about this time in westeroes when you could've made a show about any other time in westeroes. All of the "pain" the stark family is feeling(death) just supports my statement. Near the end of the show there will be a great war between Daenerys and the whitewalkers and at the end of that war she will die before she even sits on the throne( or maybe she will just make it to throne but then she will have to go to war). After that there will be a new age where the iron throne won't be accepted as a method of ruling( why make a show about this time in westeroes). Then you will all realize that Ned Stark actually was the last true king of westoroes.

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