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Mafia 104 - Back to Basics! Day Six

House Targaryen

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If there is a finder, it's limited - 2 shot at most (very most - more likely one shot). I personally think that we might have a watcher-type finder rather than a real finder. Mind you, I gauge balance by gut and what feels right weighed against my experience, not by statistics.

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Because a full healer is stupid powerful in the right circumstances.

Ah. (One shot healer) or (martyr) not one shot (healer or martyr).

Needed to get over a sudden rush of paranoia. Thought you were leaving open a route to bus after a failing rescue mission or something.

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If there is a finder, it's limited - 2 shot at most. I personally think that we might have a watcher-type finder rather than a real finder. Mind you, I gauge balance by gut and what feels right weighed against my experience, not by statistics.

Errm. I'm an idiot in these things but I think Zar would start with 2 vs 9 as balanced. If he added invisible and martyr, FM probably have a guard or some such. In my opinion.

Also, you said before you don't believe in CF & Finder.

Stoke? Are you still around?

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I don't think full finder (unlimited) and CF is balanced. A limited finder could work.

The thing with martyr and invisible is that they are swingy - either they work and seem really powerful, or they don't and it fells like a wasted role. There's not a lot of middle ground. I honestly don't know what roles could be in this game, but if we have more than the invisible and martyr, then I would expect the FM to have something too.

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Hmm...I doubt that martyr and one shot bp is all town has. Like martyr doesn't make much sense without an actual role to protect, right?

With a missing nightkill night one, I think it's pretty safe to assume Dalt took the hit and lived. I just can't foresee any scenario that the scum team would no kill night one, unless they both just forgot but that's really unlikely.

So, Pom should protect Dalt tonight unless someone else has a suggestion.

Yeah, Pom's cool. And it's something that's provable. Martyr's aren't going to last until endgame once outed and it would be an insanely silly role to fake claim.

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Pom is cool, y/n.

I don't know, I was planning on just leaving the screen for a few to let it sink in.

Pom did ask the invisible to claim earlier: That's maikng me paranoid of you two.

He didn't crumb their choices, which is bad-martyr play imo. (Confusion when they gets it right).

It's a convenient claim at this time.

I wished Reed and Sunglass wouldn't have left and avoided the need to make a stance here.

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