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Ser Ronan Storm

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Everything posted by Ser Ronan Storm

  1. Thanks for the refresher! I'm sold, there is a lot of foreshadowing here. Do you think Theon will really be warged? Not sure about Bran, but Bloodraven ought to be more than capable. I just read in The World of Ice and Fire that when Bloodraven was sent to join the Night's Watch, many of the men who made up his private guard, the Raven's Teeth, went with him. Was he just an inspiring leader or could he have been warging that many people into basically becoming his slaves? Also, I wonder how independently Bran's actions have been from Bloodraven? I can understand Bran wanted to save Theon. I'm not sure Bloodraven would see much of a point in letting the North know Theon didn't murder Ned's sons. Theon's a bit lacking in the physicality department at this point, and Bloodraven seems to be more interested in Jon Snow than in Dany, so I doubt he's currently thinking of saving Theon and getting him back to the Iron Islands where he can try to turn the Ironborn against Euron, Euron being forewarned as the biggest threat to Dany.
  2. I'm relatively new to the forums, but I'd like to touch on the Bran interfering with Theon's execution scenario. What makes you think Bran will interfere with the intent to save Theon? Don't get me wrong, I'd love for Theon to be saved, but we haven't had Bran's perspective in quite a while. All we know is that he may or may not have used weirwood magic to say Theon's name. If it is Bran, saying Theon's name through a tree doesn't provide context. Is he sympathetic to Theon, having witnessed what he's gone through as Ramsay's pet, or is he seeing the young man who was basically a part of the family but later took Winterfell and killed a few Northmen and thinking, die motherfucker, die!?
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