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Interesting finds on IMDB

Tyro Lannister

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I've been going through the threads, opening all the links to all the suggested actors and they all look great, but these two had more than just looks, they had ASoIaF references.

Someone suggested [url="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0908116/"]Polly Walker[/url] from Rome, for the role of Cersei, although I don't agree with her being Cersei, but perhaps someone else would be good, anyway I clicked the link and saw she is going to be in the Battlestar Galactica spinoff: [url="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0799862/"]Caprica[/url], so I had a look at that and saw there was a character in it called [url="http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0090103/"]Ben Stark[/url].

And then there is [url="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0095751/"]Lindy Booth[/url] suggested as Shae, so on her IMDB page I see her latest role is in a movie called Behind the [b]Wall[/b] as [b]Katelyn[/b].

Hmm maybe these two are destined to be on the show, probably not though! Did anyone else come across anything like this?
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