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Jez Targaryen

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Posts posted by Jez Targaryen

  1. 8 hours ago, Ordos said:


    The little birds stabbing Pycelle; this was definitely fan service to include one last dramatic scene from the books already published.

    Funny side note, I didn't even realize that happened until I read some discussion afterward. That scene was censored out where I am (Jakarta, Indonesia).

  2. I like GRRM's latest sly dig at GOT:

    For all of you who are enjoying OUTLANDER, the marvelous adaptation of Diana Gabaldon's time travel novels that just finished its first season on STARZ... well, the show is terrific, but the books are even better (as is so often the case)

    Of course he thinks the books are better, he bloody wrote them!

  3. I'm inclined to doubt that the writers would just lie that the Shireen incident is really going to happen. If that is correct, I can think of two plausible ways for it to go down in the books. It's been pointed out numerous times that Shireen, Selyse, and Melisandre did not accompany Stannis' army in their march to Winterfell. So the most likely option I think is that Selyse and Melisandre do the deed on their own at the Wall, perhaps as a last ditch move after seeing the pink letter. The second option is that Stannis sends a raven to the Wall telling them to do it. That seems unlikely to me, but I guess we'll see... eventually.

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