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T.D. Newton

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Status Updates posted by T.D. Newton

  1. Pretty much sums up my feelings on the topic.

  2. Interesting stuff going on in the world of e-grocery.


  3. Crazy windy again. Not a good night to be a leaf.

  4. Special thanks to Micah Read Newton, Emily Siddall, and everyone else who helped me during this period of unemployment (either with prospects, info, or listening to me complain). Looking at you, Erin Williams, Lesley Howard, Giles Hash, and others. Thank you, and thanks to all other commenters and well-wishers for your invaluable support!

  5. If any of my friends believe the world is going to end on May 21st, please let me know immediately (so I can de-friend you). Ugh.

  6. Today's just not a good day.

  7. Really liked Sucker Punch but I can definitely see why people wouldn't. If you're not a fan of Zack Snyder's other films, you probably won't get into this one. Honestly, like 300 and Watchmen, the story is merely a vehicle to watch amazing characters do amazing things.

  8. Ah, the DW7 soundtrack. All smiles and nods. Let us rock out.

  9. Feeling more encouraged about a new job than I have in weeks! Search might be over very soon!

  10. It's semi-late, and I have resorted to leaving really odd comments on peoples' FB posts. I should probably go to bed, but then who'd edit my L12 Warden?

  11. Name-dropped Benjamin Joseph Kowalsky, Jayme Moye Otto, and Lori DeBoer in an interview today. Heh.

  12. Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day!

  13. Hey Denver Locals: Know of any open CRM-type jobs requiring SQL experience? Or any non-DBA jobs requiring the latter?

  14. Just realized my The Daily posts weren't linking properly. The first one is the big soccer upset, the second is a photoshopped pic of Charlton Heston a la The Ten Commandments except instead of stone tablets he's holding iPads. I'll post a screenshot.

  15. Trying to decide whether this feels like a typical Monday or not.

  16. Ever felt like you gave someone a reality check that they didn't appreciate?

  17. Friends, if you want to read my unpublished manuscripts, please just say so. I have absolutely no reason to withhold them, but I also don't want to presume. Honestly, I write these to be read. If they do get published, all the better. You're more than welcome to enjoy them in the meantime.

  18. So, thanks to my fantastic SIL, I bought Pages for my iPad. Now all I need is a keyboard/dock/mount/thing, and that's what I'll be doing most/all of my writing on!

  19. Today feels like it's inching along, for whatever reason.

  20. What can I say. I'm talkative.

  21. Constantly wish all of the interesting people I know could be on Skype or GoogleTalk all day like I am. (Only the interesting ones, though.)

  22. Loaned a copy of my book to my boss's boss. Wonder if her opinion will affect my EOY review. Hmm. Should have thought of that earlier, I guess. (lol)

  23. Had a great time at my party last night, and at karaoke afterward. Thanks, again, to my friends & family for making 30 a great one.

  24. Hoping my Fantasy team does better this week (now that I've benched my injured and bye-week players... duh)

  25. solves his problems with a chainsaw, and he never has the same problem twice.

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