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Posts posted by BellaBee

  1. Well, I gave it a 8. Overall I liked the endings, but there were too many loose threads.

    Dany becoming the mad Queen was well prepared the last 7 seasons and it was mentioned very often in the forum, that the only thing she does is conquering with violence and fire. The difference to all the others doing nasty things during war is, that she thinks it is the right thing to do and totally ok. All the others just do it in war and were never in risk of wanting to conquer the world. Everybody else wanted peace and an ending of the killing, Dany just started. I liked her emotions this season and those were well delivered by Emilia.

    Jon. Not sure, why they bothered with the R+L=J revelation, did that matter in any way? The true heir was a bit of an idiot, a nice one, but he always needed somebody to tell him what to do. And why is there still a night watch? Those can only be 10 man? And why do the wildlings go north, when winter is there and there is absolutely no food north? So Jon is now the Queenslayer and has broken an oath to protect the realm, just like Jaime. I agree, that he could not become king after this, but I would have liked to see a smile on his face at some point in the North. Grateful for the Ghost scene! Targaryan bloodline is then officially gone, which is a bit sad. Would Jon be able to call Drogon? As the last Targaryan?

    Bran is a good choice as king, but it would have been great, if he had talked a bit more this season. His only lines were: "I'm not Brandon Stark" and "I'm the 3-eyed-raven." and suddenly he is fine to be king? He looked very good though as king.

    Sansa would also have been a good choice and how this was written, an even more likely. Everybody knows her and half the kingdom already accepts her ruling (Edmure! Hilarious!). And it would have been nice, after Dany being gone, to have a woman on the throne. But maybe she wants it too much. And why would the North not bend the knee to the only living son of Ned Stark? And was there anybody we know in this room, when Sansa got crowned? Looked a bit like she is Queen of Nowhereland now.

    Tyrion seems to be the effective ruler now, since Bran didn't so far contribute a lot, and this is fine. I always thought, that the only two people able to rule where Tyrion and Sansa, everybody else was just fighting and conquering. Would have liked to see those two back together though. Will Tyrion by the third head of the dragon in the books? And is he Lord Lannister now?

    Brienne writing in that book broke my heart! Loved this! I hated Jamie going back to Cersei, it broke his arc for me. 

    Sam is a Master now? Grandmaster? What about Gilly and the kids? I thought he was Lord Tarly now living happily with his family in his castle?

    In total the setup is a nice idea, having the underdogs ruling now. Since most highborns are gone, this might even work out, there are not too many people left to object to this. Everybody just wants peace. Sooner or later somebody will claim that non-existing-throne, but right now, there are not enough living soldiers left I guess.

    Having this spread out for at least 3-4 more episodes would have gone smoother and not felt so rushed. There was so much buildup, since until season 6 they were playing by the books with all the angles (well not all), but season 7 and 8 were just shortcuts and missing the elegant writing, which is a shame. I'm still hoping for TWOW!

    I have to say, writing aside, I congratulate the show for the casting. Overall excellent and they were extremely lucky with how people grew and developed during all these years. Loved this!

    Can't believe it's over now....


  2. In my view, Arya is testing Sansa and LF. She is playing LF by letting him see her following him and she is provoking Sansa to test for a reaction. Last time she saw Sansa, they were quarreling (Mycah, Lady, Joffrey, everything...) and so right now, she does not know, what kind of person Sansa has become. So she tests her and waits for her reaction. I guess LF will try to kill her somehow (though he needs somebody to do this for him, can't see him with bloody hands) and so she will kill him, but Sansa will stick with her and prove her loyalty and so next episode, they can start forming a team.

    At least I hope so...

  3. Full 10. just loved it!

    Dany finally taking sail, I just hope that this is also happening in the book and she is not running in 263 more circles there. This was great. They should have spent 10 seconds to show Varys leaving Dorne with all the ships, then all this teleporting would be clearer.

    Dorne - as much as I hate the Sandsnakes I do love Oleanna! Also great seeing those teaming up.

    Cersei - officially nuts now. Like in the books... Of course the succession line would be different, but does anybody expect Cersei to give a damn? She is the one who just blew up half of KL and has the Mountain at her side, so I can't see anybody standing up and looking for a far away cousin of Baratheons to come next in line. Would be ridiculous. I would have expected her to take Tommens death more though. Wonder, if she loved her children as much as she said or if she is just too crazy now to care. She cried over stupid Joffrey, but not for Myrcella and not for Tommen.... Jamie looked shocked, so hopefully he will turn now. Is he the valonqar?

    Ned and Lyanna - finally! Can't understand, why Rhaegar is believed to have raped her now. There is not a single negative word about him in the books, except for Robert, so I don't see it in his character. Also he is portrayed as prince charming, so young Lyanna would easily fell for him. He left Lyanna only to fight at the Trident, could hardly sit that one out. Wonder though, why they didn't show him. Will the unsullied know, that he is the father? Next season? How will somebody ever believe this? Would Jon? The North?

    Arya - favourite scenes! Great to have her back in Westeros. Great to have the Pie! Is she going to KL now? Or first to Winterfell?

    Sansa - I know everybody seemed to hate her last episode, but for me she is just so traumatised by being abused and betrayed for years by everybody she trusted, that she cannot simply change this that easily. She knows, LF is dangerous and probably now a danger for Jon as well.

    Jon - KITN. hmpf. The North is pretty cut off from all thats happening in the South, so it makes sense they are looking for somebody to unite them. It makes more sense for them to unite behind a son of Ned (as they think) than behind a girl. We now what happened to the last KITN and so does Jon, so its not a surprise he was not expecting this and I guess is not exactly wanting this. Still, cannot turn down this. 

    Bran - how on earth are those two travelling on now? Without a horse?? How will he reach the Wall? How will he tell Jon?


    another year of wait - hopefully with a good book to read!





  4. 10 for me. Was just fun to watch. Yes, predictable, but so what?

    Aside from the great watching, I found some points interesting:

    Dany would make a terrible leader, if she should ever sit on a throne. All about revenge and killing and burning cities. She is zero tactics and all emotions. Saved by the dragons. Would she be, where she is, without them? I doubt...

    Jon is the same (runs in the family, hehe). All emotion, no strategy. Sansa did the planing, he just did the fighting. No leading of his army, no strategy, no thinking.

    I guess both are still young and have not been educated to be a leader, but they make critical mistakes (also in the books). They did not grow into a leading role so far. Maybe Jon will learn from messing up at this battle... and at least Dany is listening to Tyrion. 

    Tyrion on the other hand is the thinker, for me he is the only one currently able to actually rule a country. So for me, I hope A+J=T is true and he is sitting on the Iron Throne some day as his fathers son (More likely since Varys said multiple times, that he would never do). ideally he would be married to a clever and nice queen, who - oh wait - he was married to one!

    Jon fighting himself back to life from this pile of death was great! He is basically still dead since his resurrection, no passion, no mission, no vision. His face always just waiting for the certain death in the fruitless war to come. But confronted with it, he somehow came back and fought himself back into life. Reborn? Interesting to see what he makes of it next episode.

    I'm hoping for the Tower of Joy now for 610, but wonder how this will go on. So Bran knows, who Jon is. Does he then tell Jon? Will anybody believe this? Why should they? What would it change for Jon? And will we have to wait for season 7 to find out? (I' afraid, yes).

    One more week.... and then please GRRM finish writing!


  5. Puh, that was somehow not satisfying. I am wondering, if the last two episodes will be completely awesome or if there is just so much not happening?

    So, Super-Arya against the Terminator. I lovelovelove, that she is going back, and the chase was amusing, but ..... ok. Gut wounds are usually very ugly...

    Blackfish should have gone north! no good ending for him!

    Tyrion - I used to like him a lot, but those scenes are completely pointless. Warming up with Greyworm and Messi? The writing here is indeed not perfect. And all Dany did in this season is getting the Dothraki support. Nothing more.

    I would expect Asha and Theon arriving now entering directly into the fight, like Victarion will do in the books (Barristan chapters). Next episode? Then in 10 Dany FINALLY leaving Meereen and heading west. PLEASE!!!!

    BwB going North is great, having the Hound with them is even better. Good!!

    Jamie and Brienne. For me the whole thing about the Riverlands was about those two. My favorite couple! I think Brienne reminded him of the honor part and when then Edmure was so negative, he simply used this to get Riverrun without killing anyone. Edmure did believe, he would kill the kid, which he never would, but he was playing the villain to get into that castle. The whole Cersei thing was made up. He was probably mostly trying to prevent fighting against Brienne. Loved the scene of them looking at each other when Brienne was leaving. Hope they end up together! (ok, my opinion....)

    So part of my problem with this episode is, that I already had 2 (?) episodes without anything happening, so I want action! Not battle necessary, I could also live with the Tower of Joy or more visions.

    So, hoping for the battle of bastards then!


  6. 8 for me. almost a 9, but I'll save this for the next episodes....

    Loved Tyrion showing off his Targ blood (I think) by becoming best buddies with the dragons. (For me, he is the one sitting on that throne at the end of it all...)

    Loved Jamie realizing, that the High Sparrow is really dangerous.

    Cersei is a bit boring right now, but ok, she is mourning... would expect her to send an army to Dorne though! How come she is not screaming hell for having her daughter murdered?

    Sansa and Theon separating is fine with me. Looking forward to Sansa's arc of developing into the Queen.

    Roose was a dead man the moment fat Wanda got pregnant. I hope Ramsay will go soon as well and hopefully it will be slower for him.

    Arya finally making some little progress - hopefully.

    Loved !!! Brans Flashback and loved Lyanna, she looks great! Now we need some flashback of the shining Prince Charming and her connecting and then - finally - the Tower of Joy!!

    Did I miss something? Oh ja, Jon! ;) It is just great to have him back!! Not sure how Mels resurrection powers tie to his Targaryan blood reveal though, but we will see. Would have preferred, if Fire would have played some part here.

    Looking forward to next week!!!

  7. I gave it a 5. Not really good, but not terribly bad.

    I like the Wall and Sansa meeting Brienne! Will they go North now? Or directly South?

    Kings Landing was ok. I don't think Jamie is totally off, he just lost his daughter and has to handle Cercei, so that was fine. I still see him with Brienne in the long run. Dany was fine, though it was surprising, that they didn't recognize the blonde wife of the greatest Khal. Tyrion and Varys were ok, though a bit boring.

    Dorne. Well. Clearly they changed a lot of characters in Dorne compared to the book, and I can see, that this is frustrating. They got rid of several characters, including fAegon, probably had to for the majority of the viewers and distributed the plot lines to others. But that is the way it is and I can accept it. Makes my life much easier ;)  Don't have to like the Sand Snakes, but as has been said already, somebody needs to start that war with the Lannisters!

    Having said that, the Sand Snakes materializing on the KL boat to kill Trystane was ... surprising... :wacko:

    Mel was cool!! Don't think, that she is Targ though, she is old enough to have white hair without being Targ.

    I do not expect Jon to come back maybe until Ep 3, but it should not be later. And for me, fire is enough to do the trick. Blood of the dragon! Any zombie scenario would not work, since then Jon would not be special.

    Looking forward to the next episonde!





  8. Not the best episode I think, mostly because my favorites were scarcely in it. No Jon. Very nice scene of Tyrion and Jorah though convincing the slaver, that Jorah is a top fighter. Terrible Dorne scene. Again. I do miss Arianne and I'm waiting for Doran to release his plans! Nice Arya scenes. KL is getting to this boring state of collapsing powers due to Cercei's stupidity. Nice to have the Queen of thornes back though.

    Now, the scene.

    I'm not sure, why people are surprised actually. I was surprised only, that Sansa did marry Bolton, I was hoping on some rescue before that. Or expecting her to bail out somehow. Still, she agreed to marry the guy she knew is not a kind person. It was clear, that Ramsey would not wait with the bedding like Tyrion. It was clear, that Sansa would not really like it or that Ramsay would turn into a loving lover. I think it was clear to her, that it will happen. It was certainly worse than what she hoped for, and it is terrible to watch. But knowing Ramsay it could have been worse!

    Didn't they show something similar in the beginning with Dany and Khal Drogo? I remember being surprised, because the TV bedding scene was different from the books, where Khal Drogo turned out to be much kinder than expected. TV Drogo was not so kind. Wasn't that the same? Can't remember any uproar then?

    Roose Bolton told Ramsay about his mother, that he killed her husband and raped her then. I felt worse hearing this than seeing (or rather hearing) the scene with Sansa. There was more cold brutality in the story Roose told, than in the Sansa scene. Just with Sansa it feels more personal.

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