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Status Updates posted by serdog

  1. Every day I question why I am I doing it? I know that this is a time of Crises and one in which we need all are best people at home to work for the next seven generations. I feel like i'm a selfness bad bad person everyday because I'm doing what I want to do

  2. Facebook has changed its News Feed AGAIN, so that by default, you can only see updates from people with whom you've recently interacted. To change this, click on 'Account', then 'Edit friends' then at the top left, click "All Friends." Most Importantly... Re-Post this. Otherwise, only a few of your friends will actually see your posts.

  3. Feeling unmotivated today and I've for to finish the closed memo

  4. Feels a lot betters

  5. Finished to fact for my closed memo tommorrow comes the hard part

  6. First Draft done time for a walk

  7. First Law School all nighter

  8. First term of law school in the books

  9. First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me. Speak out


  11. Good luck on the llp everyoneL

  12. good luck to soon to be lawyers Estella Charleson Lacey Kassis Cody Reedman Joshua Mountain Gus Michalik Meredith Maloof Chrystie Stewart Alex Morgan Ned Kelly Campagnola Leighanne Gardipy-Bill and all other prepare for Law School today

  13. Got 5 page on my jornel and two more cases to cover so short TV Bed up at 7, finish joneny rveiw reading Class at 9:30, damn one sick day throws everything off

  14. got a great E-mail my flight out of Victoria is in 7 days

  15. Got out of Jury duty, for now I will likely get called over the summer

  16. Great day spoke in suport of the First Nations fighting the pipe line and to protect our fish


  18. Had a great night to cleberate a great man Happy Birthday Caleb Behn hope you have many more

  19. Happy Quarter century to Kluane Elizabeth one of kindest, awesomest coolest smartest people I know. I short she rock and better rock this day

  20. Help not hurt is a Great way for me to say proaction is A OK

  21. Here Here are the Blood Sausages the Blood Sausages the Blood Sausages

  22. Hoping to get a group from UVIC law to go over to Vancouver next weekend, lots of fun for Nisga'a New Year and a ton of my favorite Tiglint people will be there

  23. I would give a very large sum to take Indigenous Law with John Burrows such a blessing and honour to have two classes with him

  24. I am sadden by anyone who will say im going to us being native to get X :(

  25. I finally understand its time to stop being SELFISH, I a man grown and have duties to preform not sit on my ASS, therefore I will join people better and smarter then me and drop out, I just need a job

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