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Carey Snow

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Posts posted by Carey Snow

  1. 1 hour ago, Arataniello said:

    It will need to be confirmed or denied by someone who was there.  I read it, and it doesn't sound like GRRM, tbh (but I was not at the reading).

    That sounds just like him to me. I imagine someone recorded it and then transcribed it later.  Awesome chapter.

  2. I gave it a ten. Fact is they are going to over take the books, so I am fine that they are going to do it differently. So the book changes did not bother me.

    Every scene was great. I am sure they will have Lady Stone Heart next season. It was silly to pay the actress a seasons worth of pay for one scene. She will be back.

  3. 9/10

    Oberyn and Tyrion was incredible. Best scene they've ever done in the show. You could really feel the emotion.

    Hot Pie and the inn was really good

    Arya and The Hound was great. Little disappointed with killing Rorge and Biter since they play quite a big part in AFFC but with the Bloody Mummers not in it they can be killed.

    Selyse and Mel was good. A little to cryptic but at least they don't say where it is they are going.

    The Dany scene was good. A little to evil though. Dany's not supposed to be "Blood and Fire" yet and I don't remember her diving into bed with Daario so easily.

    Dany and Jorah was great.

    All in all a great episode.

    I haven't watched the last 10 minutes though.

    the last 10 minutes are great.

  4. Great show. Sansa's snow castle is one of my fave chapters in the books, and they did a great job with it. When Sansa is building Winterfell I cried a little (of course I cried more in the books where you get her inner thoughts). Dany was awesome, loved Arya and the Hound. Very good episode.

    10 for me.

  5. I've seen on a few podcasts, chats, forums on which the question of 'where did Dany get her giant banner from?' is asked and a popular response seems to be that it's from the sail on her ship. Which i guess would just beg the same question of how did she get a Targ sail made too?

    Does anyone have any evidence to support or refute that?

    She has thousands of people following her. It would only take one to plan the decoration of the flag, then find others to help create it. They just sacked a city, I am sure they have some cloth and thread.

    But they prob should of had a Betsy Ross moment and showed a lady making the flag with the Targ anthem in the background.

  6. WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL. 9/10 because 10 is reserved for the Baelors and Blackwaters.

    The ONLY gripes I have are...

    - Why did the slaves write "KILL THE MASTERS" in the Common Tongue?? Unless Grey Worm wrote it?

    - Where did Dany get that giant dragon banner?

    Everything else was either good or PERFECT.

    Lol... I would assume that Dany has some weavers somewhere in her thousands of followers. They are all wearing clothes after all. I thought that banner looked awesome and dark especially right after the crucificixion of the good masters. Dany showing her dark side, love the Mother of Dragons!

    I did not enjoy Caster's Keep and Ghost somehow being captured by those weaklings. Ghost would tear those fools apart. It would have been better just to have him howling in the background and making the mutineers afraid to go outside or something. And then attacking with Summer when Jon shows up with his boys to lay the hammer down.

    Also Caster's keep seemed especially brutal and I am not sure that the show runners need to add more brutality than Martin already thought up. Martin is able to weave it into the story, the show runner's brutality tends to come across as just done for shock value. Reminded me of Jofferey killing Roz. Not needed.

    What is going on with the others? That is not how I pictured them in the novels at all. Creating others with human babies? Maybe this is where Martin is going, or maybe this was made for TV and will be different than the books.

    Otherwise good episode. I really like the Margaery/Tommen exchange even though not in the books. Sansa/Little finger is perfect and I am glad they are allowing Sophie to speak more and act more. Dany was great. Not sure how they are going to make Jon/Bran work. Will Bran convince Jon that the three eyed crow is more important than the heir of Winterfell? That is a tough sale may friends.

    7 for me.

  7. When you obsess on a daily basis about ASOIAF, it's kinda hard to see the show in a different light and not compare it to the books. Personally, I've gotten better at separating the two, but they will never be fully separated. Unlike in the first two seasons, I have started with the 3rd season to appreciate the non-book stuff, but I still cheer and clap when a favorite scene from the books is well portrayed. So that's that.

    Also, just because you realize that the books and the shows are different, does not mean that you have to like the changes. Especially when Jaime's arc changed so dramatically. Some book readers will like this change others will not.

  8. Volverin,

    George's POV remark is solely about the immediacy of understanding what's going on in Jaime's head whereas you can only try to decipher it by what you see on the screen. There's at least two paragraphs where he focuses on Cersei's desire and hunger for Jaime.

    Agreed. To quote the book:

    "Hurry," she was whispering now, "quickly, quickly, now, do it now, do me now. Jaime Jaime Jaime. Her hands helped guide him. "Yes," Cersei said as he thrust, "my brother, sweet brother, yes like that, yes, I have you, you're home now, you're home." She kissed his ear and stroked his short bristly hair.

    Obviously the above was not how the show did it. Now, maybe the show is trying to go a different direction with Jaime and Cersei and maybe I will come to respect it. But if they try to continue Jaime on the same arc as in the books than they blew it because it simply will not work.

    The show Jaime is now clearly a rapist.

  9. 1

    They totally killed Jaime's arc by not having his sex scene with Cersei be consensual. Jaime is not a rapist and there was nothing in that scene that ever showed that Cersei consented like she clearly did in the books.

    I did not like the change for the Hound either. In the books, he does not harm any of the villagers and leaves peacefully with his fairly earned wages. In this episode he just seems like a bully, which he really is not. Maybe they are going to set Arya up to save him somehow.

    After the Cersei/Jaime scene, I just could not get into the Red Viper sex scene.

    And is Sam really going to send Gilly to Mole Town's brothel? He would never even consider that.

    Just really strange dark changes in this episode that I did not like, and I do not think they can save Jaime's arc now.

  10. With out spoilers (I hope) I have to apologize to this episode. I have Direct TV and for some reason it froze and then skipped over portions of the wedding and the beginning of the feast on the original airing. I had thought they left out Olenna greeting Sansa and straightening her hair and other conversations. After rewatching another showing, I see they kept that part in. I am no longer displeased with this episode and think it is great! I apologize for my monday post about the episode. Great job!

  11. Gave it a 9, and might have made it a 10 if the Sons had not behaved so ridiculously.

    But hey, there are no tens, eh?

    Much controversy on YouTube about Dani doing her first nude scene since Season one. I think its cool that she's not leaving that burden entirely to actresses that have not "made it" yet. It also made a contrast to earlier scenes where she was so much... less, than is the case now.

    She's making the transition from child-bride to Joan of Arc both believable and fun to watch.

    And damn, isn't it great that the Hound finally admitted that he tried to help Sansa? Funny how Arya thought he was taking her back to Kings Landing, she was the only one in the world who didn't know that was an impossibility from the word go.

    Sam is stil wandering towards Castle Black, while John, who went the long way, is already past the wall.

    Funny how that works out, ain't it?

    Lol, well I imagine the Wildlings are on a forced march where as Gilly and Sam do not make very much progress each day.

  12. I found this episode entertaining

    -I didnt like the drawn out sex thing with theon (thats the kind of thing that fuels people's stereotypes of the show being one long sex scene)

    -I really liked it when Jon was telling Ygritte that the wildlings would never prevail.

    -For some reason I was bugged by the scene in which Jamie convinces the guy to take him back to harrenhall-The only reason I didnt like this was because the setting seemed to be somewhere about 2 miles from winterfell.

    -Since grrm wrote the episode it seems like he might be answering some questions in the books that people have

    (theon's wee getting cut) and (robb's wife being pregrz)

    -I havent seen Dany in a while and feel bad that non-readers expect her to invade westeros any day now. he scene was great though.

    -The bear scene seemed pretty good (albeit rushed) -It left a nice ending to the episode.

    -They really need to explain what the wildlings are actually trying to accomplish (especially with that few soldiers)



    I think that everyone who bashes the show needs to take a reality check and compare it to most anything else on TV..

    Agree about Theon and his manhood, but Talisa could have been lying to Robb about being pregnant. I have a feeling that they combined Jeyne Westerling from the Books with her mom and that Talisa is actually writing letters to Tywin and backstabbing Robb. No proof, just a hunch.

  13. I guess that's just where you and I disagree.

    I think things have already been set up nicely for future events and that most of these scenes were just unnecessary.

    Well, have to remember that they are trying to keep the non-readers up to speed and sometimes in a show like this it needs to be driven home. We need to know how much in love with Talisa Robb is, and the same with Jon/Ygritte for future events to have an emotional effect.

  14. Probably the same as us. Oh that's so cruel! But actually maybe it's no so bad given the other alternatives lol.

    Plus Tyrion is much more handsome on the show rather than in the books. I think the uproar will be more about Sansa's age, even though that was how things were done in the Dark Ages.

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