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Posts posted by Ravenkingsamurai

  1. Ramsey and Roose talk about how "damn, we good-ass fighters in the North, if Stannis comes up against us we gon' kick his ass!" But have they ever fought in any battles that actually took place in the North?

    Ramsey's never fought in any large scale battle ever before in his life. Just that skirmish with Yara.

    And Roose... Roose fought in the War against the Mad King, or at least was alive at that time, but there were no battles behind the neck. The Greyjoy Rebellion was also only fought in the Iron Islands.... It's not like skill with fighting in the snow is a trait bred into all Northerners. Also, how many full-blown winters has Ramsey seen before? I'm assuming he's as old as Robb and Jon, and they were still kids the last time winter came along, or maybe not even born yet, idk.

    Anyway, if he seriously does major damage to Stannis and his thousands of men with only 20 I'm gonna be hugely pissed at how crazy that is.

    Correction: Roose fought multiple battles during the war of the 5 kings, commanding the infantry diversionary force against Tywin at Green fork. Though defeated, he was able to withdraw AND kill his northern rivals in the process by putting them on front lines. He later captures Harrenhal with a cunning ruse ( or roose..) and again is able to skillfully weaken his northern rivals at Duskendale. Roose is a highly experienced commander, and knows that by remaining at with his supplies at Winterfell he'll destroy Stannis via attrition. Perhaps not a good tactician, but a superb strategist.

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