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Posts posted by Jehanne

  1. Huh? There's no references in the books about any human having "some blood of the Others," Craster or otherwise. Oy.

    Actually, there are references about Craster, and how he brings "cold" with him wherever he goes. I'll have to wait until I get home from work to look up the exact quotes.

    EDIT: I found one of the quotes in another thread on this board, from A Clash of Kings

    Dywen said Craster was a kinslayer, liar, raper, and craven, and hinted that he trafficked with slavers and demons. "And worse," the old forester would add, clacking his wooden teeth. "There's a cold smell to that one, there is."

    Plus, in GoT, Old Nan tells Bran that there were wildlings that would lay with the Others to birth half-human children.

  2. I hope this hasn´t been discussed, otherwise I´ll feel like a fool, but:

    Could someone explain to me how the hell did the little baby Craster survive? How come he didn´t freeze to death? I mean, he was lying in snow, covered with one piece of cloth, and then he was riding, presumably for hours, with a creature that is the embodiment of ice.


    I think there are some references in the books about Craster possibly having some blood of the Others in him already. Don't have my Kindle ready to find the quotes though.

  3. I just rewatched the Sansa and Olenna scene at the wedding. You can actually see the gem in Olenna's hands when she takes it off the necklace. Then you do see the empty gem holder on the necklace, all the way to the right.

    My question is....was the girl Ramsay, Miranda and Reek were hunting the same blonde that was in the Theon-Miranda sex scene right before Ramsay castrated Theon?

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