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Traitor's Crastard

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Posts posted by Traitor's Crastard

  1. Did anyone else catch that Jon was nearly bested by the weapon-in-both-hands-no-shield technique he was schooling the new recruits on in last week's episode? Or that Karl had likely been storing that loogie since the mutiny in case he had to face off against any highborns?

  2. I think the singer character who accompanied Cat and Tyrion to the Vale is the same character who gets his tongue ripped out in 1x10, and I thought that in the show he was named Marillion.

    At any rate, unless it's going to be drastically rewritten, the Vale storyline needs some sort of character to serve as Littlefinger's patsy for Lysa's murder. I expect someone to be introduced to fulfill that purpose (hopefully no rape attempt on Sansa required).

    I believe Marillion was the singer in question who was slain on the way to the Eyrie with Cat's party after joining them at the inn where Tyrion was captured (Season 1). Obviously, the books had more for Marillion to do. I do remember the singer at KL at the end of Season 1 who Joffrey gives the choice of losing his fingers or tongue after a song he wrote and performed about the royal family, but I don't think he was Marillion. I certainly could be wrong, though. My concern is, without the singer, will the show runners lay yet another murder at Sansa's feet, as they clearly have with Joffrey's (the perception, anyway).

  3. So, re: Lysa/LF's noisy power-coupling, who plays patsy when the Moon Door opens in a couple of episodes (Mockingbird, perhaps?)? If memory serves, Tyrion remarks in Season 1 about the death of "the singer" after the raid on Cat's hostage party on the way to the Eyrie. Correct me if I'm wrong, please. I can't imagine how LF will manage the already tenuous relationship with the Lords Declarant absent a suitable mark.

  4. Hello forum. New poster here. Maidenhead voyage, may the gods protect me. This episode felt exceedingly lame to me. Lame for Sullied and Unsullied alike. I suppose Lady Lysa wins for most compelling character, but she seems to have graduated from the same Supervillain Finishing School as Littlefinger. Riverrun surely had a varied curriculum in Lord Hoster's day, and apparently a Fat Camp for teenaged Cat. The other usually engaging and often layered story lines felt trite and inconsequential this week, and didn't offer any of the historical world-building or effective table-setting that these sort of midseason transitional episodes are typical of.

    Arya misses Syrio, the Hound tells her he died because he lacked armor and a big sword ( side note: Try to analyze the text, Sandor, and not make assumptions based on emotion! So frustrating!). Cersei misses her daughter and has commissioned a ship as a birthday present; she tells Oberyn that his House has been listed as the shipping address, please send a confirmation raven back when it arrives. Locke and Karl, HBO employees only, now their watch is ended and neither with any consequence to the season, unless either or both of Hodor, Bran, or Jon's wounds mortify (which they never do for roster guys).

    I missed a few interactions in between, none terribly important, but this isn't a recap, only one Bastard's reaction. The most redeeming part of this episode was that D&D didn't try to slip another scene of uncharted canon in at the conclusion to make up for all the Michelle McLaren-ness; I'm hoping one metaphorical middle finger to book readers will suffice for Season 4. Let's keep up the extended travelogues, invented small talk between major characters, and drawn-out reveals when actually adhering to the terrific source material. Now who's playing Nimble Dick?

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