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Bilbo Swaggins

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Posts posted by Bilbo Swaggins

  1. The LC election will be next season.

    I'm still not happy about moving Stannis to next week. With everything else happening, he and his cavalry charge will get a maximum of five minutes. They could have fit that and the Jon conversation with Mance in this episode if they cut out the filler stuff like Jon and Sam convo, some Sam and Gilly, and Sam and Aemon. (I don't hate Sam. He's one of my favorite characters, but most of his pre-battle scenes were unnecessary.)

  2. WTF!!!! They had time for Sam and Jon talking about sex, but NO STANNIS!?? Not even a minute? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! This was the only shot of Stannis being the star of an episode! His only shot! Dany and Tyrion and almost everyone else has been the star of at least one episode! I know that he will show up next week, but seriously WHAT THE FUCK? Nobody will care next week! People will talk about Tyrion and Lady Stone Heart and Khaleesi (somehow)! His arrival was going to be an awesome ending! Based on the preview, people can see someone else attacking Mance and it won't be a surprise like it was in the books! FUCK D&D! We have irrefutable evidence that they HATE STANNIS! Someone try to defend the writers on this! I dare you!

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