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Oberyn Brightflame

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I’ve posted about my theory here previously.  

Oberyn is Aerion Brightflame’s grandson via either his son Maegor or a bastard son he fathered in Lys.

The word choices to describe Oberyn matches up to Aerion minus the colouring. Aerion’s “face was sculptured and imperious, with a high brow, sharp cheekbones, and a straight nose.” Oberyn “has a lined and saturnine face with thin eyebrows…[and] a sharp nose.”

Oberyn was called a “monstrous young fellow” and Tywin remarked he “has always been half mad” (as in from birth?). Aerion was called “quite the monster” by his brother Daeron and he was considered mad for the obvious reason of drinking wildfire to turn himself into a dragon.

Then there are the story parallels.

Both were said to dabble in the black arts. Both were temporarily exiled to Lys and served with the Second Sons.

The jousting incident between Aerion and Humfrey Hardyng recalls the jousting incident between Oberyn and Willas Tyrell. Aerion impaled Humfrey’s horse, causing the horse to fall atop Humfrey and injured his leg, while Willas’ leg was crippled when his horse fell atop him after his leg was caught in the stirrup after being knocked down in his joust with Oberyn.

Dunk almost gouged Aerion’s eyes out during the trial by seven, while Oberyn’s eyes were gouged out by the Mountain during their trial by combat. If you believe the theory that the Cleganes are descended from Dunk, then there is poetic symmetry in the rematch of their two potential descendants.   

Whoever Oberyn’s father was (assuming he was married to Oberyn’s mother), he died before the betrothal tour Oberyn and Elia undertook in 273, as Oberyn states they were accompanied by his mother’s consort.  Could it be because his father, if he was Maegor, died at Summerhall?

Would a match between The Unnamed Princess of Dorne and Maegor Targaryen be permitted by Aegon V? Is this why she was a lady in waiting to Rhaella, which is an unusual thing given that she was the heir to Dorne and no other Dornish princess have been recorded as serving the Targaryens at court.   Was the appointment as lady in waiting a way to force the Unnamed POD to stay at court to be monitored closely, at least for a while, for having made such a politically dangerous match? Is this also why Lewyn might have been made a Kingsguard, if he joined well before Elia’s marriage? Was Lewyn conscripted into the Kingsguard as a guarantee for his sister’s good behaviour, especially once she was allowed to return to Dorne to rule?

Or was it considered a non-issue because it was a bastard son of Aerion (which may not even be common knowledge to Aegon V if his identity was hidden)?

Is Oberyn’s father also the father of Doran and Elia? Possibly not Doran given the age difference. Elia is only a year older than Oberyn and her name has sun/fire connotations, which could just be a nod to the Martell sigil.

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