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ASOIAF Phrase Guessing Game #5

lil' ghost

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Welcome to the fifth edition of the ASOIAF phrase guessing game!

There are many commonly used phrases in the books and there are house words. The person who is "it" (I'll get to that in a minute) will pick a phrase or house words from the books and give out the number of words in it.

Players will then ask for a letter: e.g. "Is there an E?"
The response will look like this for a 6 word phrase (from the last phrase of the previous edition):
6. e, e


As long as the letter you ask for is in the phrase, you can keep asking and keep getting answers.

When you hit a "no" (which is also useful info, btw), it will take two 2 player requests to reveal another letter. If you get 2 straight "no"s it will take 3 requests.

When you feel that you know the phrase, you can guess immediately.
If you are right, you choose the next phrase.

All you have to reveal is the number of words in the phrase.

So for example, if your phrase is "winter is coming" and you are asked "Is there an E?", your response is:

1. e

also keep track of the "no" letters.
this keeps a simple accounting of what has been revealed and where. Do not reveal the length of the words - that would make most phrases too easy to get.

Previous Games:
Version 1
Version 2
Version 3
Version 4

Phrases Already Used:

From Version 1

1. As high as honour.
2. Don't wake the dragon!
3. You know nothing, Jon Snow.
4. Take the black.
5. We guard the way
6. The last of the giants.
7. Jaime Lannister sends his regards.
8. Stick them with the pointy end.
9. The night is dark and full of terrors.
10. What do we say to death? Not today.
11. There are no men like me, there's only me.
12. A Lannister always pays his debts.
13. Unbowed, unbent, unbroken.
14. Edd, fetch me a block!
15. The Dornishman's wife.
16. Wherever whores go.
17. And now his watch is ended.

From Version 2
18. Tell him I need the breastplate stretcher.
19. When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.
20. The king in the north arises.
21. It is known.
22. We do not sow.
23. Valar Morghulis.
24. The day they hanged Black Robin.
25. Ours is the fury.
26. If I look back I am lost.
27. The king eats and the hand takes the shit.
28. Cripples and bastards and broken things.
29. To go forward you must go back.
30. You will never walk again, but you will fly.
31. Growing Strong. (words of House Tyrell)
32. The bear and the maiden fair.
33. You don’t want to wake the dragon, do you?
34. War makes monsters of us all.
35. Aegon the conquerer with teats.

From Version 3
36. A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of sheep.
37. Kings have no friends, only subjects and enemies.
38. A part of her wanted to be a swan, the other part wanted to eat one.
39. Even brave men blind themselves sometimes when they are afraid to see.
40 . She lost her wolf.
41. The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.
42. King of the Andals, and the Rhoynar and the First Men.
43. Kings lack the caution of common men.
44. Those are brave men, let's go kill them!
45. You're too fat for your armour, Robert.
46. True knights are as rare as a virgin in a whorehouse.
47. It was the white cloack that soiled me, not the other way around.

From Version 4
48. The king beyond the wall.
49. All dwarfs may be bastards but not all bastards need be dwarfs.
50. The worst isn't done, the worst is just beginning and there are no happy endings.
51. Beneath the gold, the bitter steel.
52. The rains of Castamere.
53. The first sword of Braavos does not run.
54. I should have died with him.
55. Old stories are like old friends; you have to visit them from time to time.
56. Jared of House Frey, I name you liar!
57. Valor is a poor substitute for numbers.
58. I dreamed that I was old.
59. Reek Reek it rhymes with Leek
60. Two hearts that beat as one.
61. "Hodor" said Hodor
62. Paint stripes on a toad, he does not become a tiger.

From Version 5:
63. I gorged on grief at Summerhall, I need none of yours
64. "The horselords come, we give them gifts, the horselords go."
65.Where there is a way in, there is a way out.
66. Make the bad man fly!
67. I dreamed of you.

68. Is there gold hidden in the village?
69. Death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities.
70. The queen took off her sandal the king took off his crown
71. I demand a trial by battle
72. Woe to the Usurper if we had been
73. Cersei will outlast her children and die by the hands of the valonqar.
74. For the first time in hundreds of years the night came alive with the music of dragons.

75. How would you like to die Tyrion, son of Tywin?

Have Fun!

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And one remark to the registry: Are the Tyrell words really that much more unknown than everything else, that they alone need an explanation what they are?

I thought the same thing when I was posting the new thread. I just left it how it was. :dunno:

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