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ASOIAF Phrase Guessing Game

honeyed chicken

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This should be pretty simple.

I'll think up a common phrase* from the books and give you the number of words in it.

You can then start reeling off guesses (one per post) and any one poster must wait for my reply - "yea" or "nay" before asking again.


you name a letter and ask if it is in the phrase.

if "yes",

I'll tell you how many times the letter appears and where in the phrase, but not where in the word - that would make it too easy. :)


You'll get to ask another letter.

if "no"

two posters must ask for the same letter before I will answer. If that letter is not there, then 3 posters asking and so on.

The poster who correctly guesses, comes up with the next phrase.

First entry: 3 word phrase common throughout Westeros.

* we should allow house words as well, I'm thinking.

Phrases used in this thread

#1 (10/10/’14 – 10/13/14)

host: phrase - winner

hc*: Words are wind. – Gabe
Gabe: What is dead may never die. – hc
hc: Don’t wake the dragon! - Gabe
Gabe: As high as honor. - Lyman
Lyman: You know nothing, Jon Snow. – SBP
SBP: Taking the black. – Gabe
Gabe: We guard the way. (words of House Yronwood) – Buck
Buck: The last of the giants. – hc (hands off to Wf)
Wf: Jamie Lannister sends his regards. – Lyman
Lyman: Stick them with the pointy end. – SBP
SBP: The night is dark and full of terrors. – hc
hc: What do we say to death? Not today. - SBP
SBP: There are no men like me. There’s only me. - Lyman
Lyman: A Lannister always pays his debs. – Yomi
Yomi: Unbowed, unbent, unbroken. – Gabe
Gabe: Edd, fetch me a block. – Buck
Buck: The Dornishman’s wife. – Lyman
Lyman: Wherever whores go. – Gabe
Gabe: And now his watch is ended. - hc

*member name abbreviations used:
hc = honeyed chicken
Gabe or DG = Dolorous Gabe
Lyman or LL = Lord Lyman
SBP = Ser Blackfyre Pretender
Buck = Buckwheat
Wf = Whitefinch (formerly Shadow)
Yomi = Yomi 

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:lol: I'm guessing you wanted it to go on a little longer at least. Right, okay. I don't even fully understand the whole letter-guessing part but I'll give it a go.

2nd entry: 6 word phrase spoken mainly in one particular area.

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Hmm this may not be tough enough, but let me do some digging. I just expanded the rules above to include house words. That'll widen/deepen the pool and make the game tougher.

entry #3

Four word phrase (sorry, that's all I'm giving :) ).

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Is it, "Dark wings, dark words?"


Is there an "s" in the phrase?


As per the rules it will now take two players asking for the same letter for me to reveal it.

Now Hear me roar!

Highly doubtful though

It is not "Now hear me roar."

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