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Reading and Watching The Red Wedding like Walder Frey


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Wondered what it would be like to be an asshole at your daughter's wedding? Pondered what it would be like to think like a Frey for a day? Hoped that you could try to make this situation a whole lot less painful?

Now you don't have to!

Introducing the (not remotely) foolproof method of enjoying the Red Wedding as a traitor to your king.

Readers (the more difficult but still satisfying method):

1) Flip to page 701 and read at the paragraph starting with "Dacey Mormont".

2) Open one of these links for musical pleasure

-Do you believe in magic

-Benny Hill theme (oddly fitting. Hills? Bastard Westerlanders? Anyone?)

3) Read and chuckle while you sip a goblet of wine and look at all the action with your beady little eyes.

Readers have it a bit harder as everyone has different reading speeds. If you use google chrome, you can change the music speeds, but this tends to sound distorted. Skimming through seems to be the most effective.

Show watchers (Easier method)

1) Open this link to the Red Wedding on youtube

2) Pause it! Now mute the video.

3) Choose one of these two musical phenomenons

-Do you believe in magic

-Benny Hill theme (I recommend fast forwarding the Red Wedding video at 1.25x. You can do this through Google Chrome)

4) Sit back and think, "at least that didn't happen to me at my wedding"

Congratulations. You have officially viewed this in a way that only Oswell Whent would chuckle at.

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