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Avoiding spoilers


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I had this idea in my mind for few days and I wanted to discuss it here (unless it has already been covered, I checked last few pages of threads and I couldn't find it).

I know that some book readers want to stop watching the show in order to avoid further spoilers. However, the question is: is it doable? I mean if you are reading ASOIAF-related blogs, fora and using social media, you will get the big Spoilers sooner or later, e.g. if Jon returns the Internet will explode. The same will happen if he teams up with Dany. It is even more difficult to avoid if you know the story well. I leave in Europe and want to watch the show in the evening with my wife, which means I had to restict my Internet activity on Monday mornings because even a small piece of information can ruin everything. For example when I saw the article about Longclaw on Westeros.org Facebook page I could already guess the ending of Hardhome.

That's why I have a question for the book readers, would you rather be spoiled through the imperfect story arcs in the show (which I agree are mostly inferior to the ones from the book) or just find out the highlights through the internet (e.g. Dany is eaten by a dragon, Jon marries Sansa etc.)? I considered it even worse. Or do you have good advice how to avoid spoilers.

Disclaimer: I didn't mean to mock anybody. I'm just trying to figure out what is the most realistic approach.

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I have never understood this psychodrama on spoilers.

I read several books, hundreds of pages long, literally more than half a dozen times, and some even more than a dozen times. I enjoyed them all the times.

Same for movies, and video games.

I am always eager to learning more about things that interest me, and the sooner the better.

I will try to get as many spoilers aiders as possible to enjoy my experience.

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Well, it does take some effort on the practicer.

As for myself, I don't use facebook, twitter, etc. So it's definitely easier for me to avoid them. As far as reading asoiaf related blogs... well one must obviously stop reading those after episodes episode previews are aired. So yeah, it will mean bye bye to this forum as well. Though maybe the book forum will be sectioned appropriately for show and non-show watchers. Even if I happen to learn a few things, it might not matter much. I mean, my cousin still hasn't read ADWD and he watched the show. What has been spoiled to him? Jon's death (with different circumstances), Cersei's walk of shame (she had it coming anyway) and... ? Even if what little bits I eavesdropped happen to be book spoilers, it is still not that big of a deal. I've known what was gonna happen in TWOW chapters before I read them, and they were not less interesting at all.

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