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Last years was popular...Season 3 Over. Lets rate the new casting!

John Garnsey

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Great post @Khal-a-bunga. :DD


Brynden "The Blackfish" Tully - Clive Russell 9/10


Edmure Tully - Tobias Menzies 6/10

Hm, he looks not really like Edmure... but it was okay, I guess.

Thoros of Myr - Paul Kaye 5/10

Not so much.

Beric Dondarrion - Richard Dormer 5/10


Selsye Florent - Tara Fitzgerald 5/10

Weird, very weird. And not ugly and cold enough.

Shireen Baratheon - Kerry Ingram 8/10

I love her, but it's not ... perfect.

Mance Rayder - Ciaran Hinds 5/10


Orell - Mackenzie Crook 7/10

Cool, I like the actor.

Tormund Giantsbane - Kristofer Hivju 7/10

The writing was bad.

Jojen Reed - Thomas Brodie-Sangster 4/10

Err, no.

Meera Reed - Ellie Kendrick 4/10


Missandei - Nathalie Emmanuel 5/10

A bit boring, sorry.

Olenna Tyrell - Diana Rigg 8/10

Diana is gorgeous.

Ramsay Snow - Iwan Rheon 9/10

Yes, he's handsome, but... I hate him (Ramsay, don't worry) anyway.

Daario Naharis - Ed Skrein 4/10


Locke - Noah Taylor 8/10


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Brynden "The Blackfish" Tully - Clive Russell: 10/10 (Perfect. His scenes with Cat were spot on.)

Edmure Tully - Tobias Menzies: 10/10 (Same. I wish they had been introduced sooner.)

Thoros of Myr - Paul Kaye: 8/10

Beric Dondarrion - Richard Dormer: 10/10

Selsye Florent - Tara Fitzgerald: 6/10 (Not bad.)

Shireen Baratheon - Kerry Ingram: 8/10

Mance Rayder - Ciaran Hinds: 5/10 (I love hinds and I think he could be great as Mance. Not much to work with here though. Very underwhelming.)

Orell - Mackenzie Crook: 7/10

Tormund Giantsbane - Kristofer Hivju: 7/10

Jojen Reed - Thomas Brodie-Sangster: 7/10

Meera Reed - Ellie Kendrick: 4/10 (Bleh.)

Missandei - Nathalie Emmanuel: 6/10

Olenna Tyrell - Diana Rigg: 10/10

Ramsay Snow - Iwan Rheon: 5/10 (Started out ok. Ended up being incredibly annoying.)

Daario Naharis - Ed Skrein: 7/10

Locke - Noah Taylor: 8/10

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Brynden Tully - Clive Russell

Meh, had some good moments, I liked him when we were first introduced to him with the flaming arrows and when he condemned Edmure for calling Robb uncle but he became somewhat forgettable for me since then. However he seems to be a good actor and I think with the right script could be very good

Edmure Tully - Tobias Menzies

I never really liked the character of Edmure in the books but I think Menzies played him well, particularly in the RW episode

Thoros of Myr - Paul Kaye

I wasn't really sure what to expect for Thoros, I could never properly picture him in my head but I think he did a good jon

Beric Dondarrion - Richard Dormer

I thought he was spot on, one of the best castings of the season

Selyse Florent - Tara Fitzgerald

I don't really have much of an opinion of her, she had next to no screentime

Shireen Baratheon - Kerry Ingram

A good performance I think, I loved her interactions with Davos, I hope we see more of her next season

Mance Rayder - Ciaran Hinds

The less said about his performance the better, it was disappointing, he didn't look like I thought Mance would look like and it felt like he wasn't really interested in the role.

Orell - Mackenzie Crook

I liked his performance, I think he was really enjoyable to watch, I was actually slightly sad when he died

Tormund Giantsbane - Kristofer Hivju

Had high hopes for him when I first saw him as he certainly looked the part but sadly he was working with a bad script for him I think, it didn't show Tormunds humorous side or his liking for Jon very much, which was a pity

Jojen Reed - Thomas Brodie-Sangster

Meh, he creeped me out and doesn't really look like how I imagined him too, he put in a shift though I guess

Meera Reed - Ellie Kendrick

Same as her brother, average

Missandei - Nathalie Emmanuel

I thought she played her role well but didn't really stand out from the crowd as an amazing actress

Olenna Tyrell - Diana Rigg

Wow, I couldn't think of a better person to play Olenna than Rigg, by far and away the stand out casting of the series

Ramsay Snow - Iwan Rheon

Did a magnificent job, dare I say it, I kind of liked Ramsay after watching him play him so brilliantly

Daario Naharis - Ed Skrein

He just kinda looks wrong? I can't even put my finger on what's wrong with him, he just doesn't look right, plus his voice annoys me

Locke - Noah Taylor

At first I was wary of them replacing Vargo but I thought Noah did a very good job of playing Locke, he is so suited to playing a minor evil guy part, plus the bit where he chopped Jaimes hand off was pure gold

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