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  1. 4/10 for the battle sequencing alone. The writing is still shit. Rickon is used simply as a plot device to enrage Jon and force him to rush headlong into battle and forget his (brilliant) strategy. Ramsay is suddenly a tactical genius? Gimme a break. Sansa never mentions the Vale army to Jon? Good thing he has AA plot armor. What was the point of the Jon/Mel scene? "Don't bring me back". "I do what the lord says". "Can you help me?". "The lord hasn't told me shit". Sansa kills Ramsay. Who let the dogs out? Ramsay takes a meaningless shot at Wun Wun while Jon is exposed. Ramsay is suddenly an idiot? This was effectively his bad guy speech allowing the good guy to win. Theon and Asha's teleporter in the middle of a battle. "We all had crap dads" bonding moment. "No more reaving!". "But that's what we do?". "I said no reaving!". "Okay". The battle of Mereen was literally ONE boat getting destroyed by Dany. Because, suddenly, she has complete control over her dragons. No Ghost in the battle? Davos does... nothing? Blackwater, Watchers on the Wall, and Hardhome were far better battle scenes because of the weight of the situation. Bastardbowl was utterly predictable and pulled the same "surprise" again having the Vale show up just in time. It was technically an impressive battle in terms of how it was filmed and showing the horrors of medieval warefare, but that's about it.
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