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Everything posted by becca69

  1. Ok, looks like I'm now able to edit the list again. If anyone still has books available or have sold and want the list revised, please post again. Thanks.
  2. As of today, still not able to update the first post.
  3. Not sure but I tried a different web browser also, with no luck. It's been like this for quite a few days now.
  4. I'm having trouble updating the list. Not sure what's wrong.
  5. Hi, need to know if they are Meisha Merlin or Subterranean Press. Thanks.
  6. List is updated. Honestly Gypsy, I have no idea. Maybe someone can start a thread?
  7. Hey, I didn't see it, sorry... I've just added it to the list!
  8. Do you want me to add this to the main list? And is it a full set or just ACOK?
  9. Wow, the lettered set is no longer available. I'm guessing it sold outside of Ebay??
  10. There's a full matching lettered set (BB) for sale on Ebay - http://www.ebay.com/itm/A-Song-of-Ice-and-Fire-George-RR-Martin-Limited-Lettered-Set-BB-/262611086727?hash=item3d24d72d87:g:dAgAAOSwFe5Xzb1M
  11. A Feast For Crows #397 available at Camelot Books http://camelotbooks.com/books/detail/clash-of-kings-a-storm-of-swords-a-feast-of-crows
  12. I don't know that size matters. A complete set would include only the books that give you rights to the next in the series. The Dark Tower books have two oversized volumes that you needed to purchase in order to maintain your rights.
  13. Rooster, I've put you on the list but is your Knight letter U also? I listed it as U... let me know if it's a different letter.
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