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  1. I thoroughly enjoyed the episode a lot! Lady lil miss mormont was such a scene stealer I am highly impressed with the show's uncanny abilities at finding gifted children actors. So my impressions... Cleganebowl - Yup, this is a given... Who else will Champion for the High Sparrow vs the FrankenGregor. Cersei - Setup for her losing her mind and dousing the entire city up in wildfire? She nearly lost it during S2 Blackwater when she was about to poison her son and commit suicide. If the tables are turned during the Cleganebowl and her son kills himself because Margery is no longer "in love with him", I think the noose will tighten enough for Cersei to drown out the entire city in wildfire. It isn't beyond her to take desperate actions because she loses everything and everyone. It will be interesting to see if Jaime can survive this or will he too continue on a path for revenge even if there is nothing left for him to do so. Bastardbowl - It appears evident that Jon will lure Ramsay out now that he knows that the latter likes to take a frontal approach given the Bolton's last victory vs stannis. I think that Jon will anticipate this and have like an epic Braveheart moment (when Wallace uses long spears to take out the calvary rush) but despite 'tactics' ramsay's ground intranfy have superior numbers and start to gain favor again. It is in this moment we will have another 'army' rescue moment when the Vale Knights pop out seemingly out of no where and storm the battlefield. Lastly Arya - She clearly planned this out. She absolutely knew that the FM will come after her, even if she was to flee to westeros, how can you deal with having a cult who can change faces at will be on the back of your mind wherever you end up? I mean that would bring great fear knowing that at every retreat, village, life milestone that she could have could be potentially threatened by people who can assume new identities to ensure the 'mission' is carried out. Obviously Arya has to deal with these FM before she can even think about returning to Winterfell. I think her plan is brilliant; feign her death and prep up for her retaliatory move if any. I say if any because I believe she know's Jaqen will ask the Waif if the mission is complete, which the reply will be a yes. I don't believe he will be convinced either by his deity influence or the waif might give it away in a smirk that speaks passion. Either he will end the waif's life then and there and let Arya be free OR we will get the epic Arya takes revenge on the Waif with needle in hand. Still I don't believe she could escape from Jaqen unless it was clearly a violation on the Waif's part to take pleasure in Arya's suffering as well as not killing her outright. She might get the FM's pardon and let her be on her merry way.
  2. I like the actors, the CGI, the live action replay sequences of what I read in the books. I know there is not 100% perfect adaptations but its the closest thing we will ever get since a movie or other network would fail at making this. Lastly we will get the ending that I have been waiting on since I started reading those books back in 2003.
  3. I didn't think they would do it but they managed to cram all the stories they could into this huge orgy of cliffhangers. Stannis, RIP. I know he was wickedly bad but I was wanting him to do the Boltons some bad ass damage there. In the Game of Thrones, you surely can't follow blindly into a faith as he has done. Just like Ned Stark's honor and duty fail in the end so does blind faith and stubbornness. Arya, looks like they decided to have her go blind after all. Maybe she will develop her abilities as she does in the books but I don't think she will be able to fulfill being a Stark any longer. Jaime and gang, ehhh why didn't the ship turn around? Was wondering if he plans on keeping Trystane captive now or if the Sand Snakes/Elaria did this to instigate the war they always wanted over their father's death. Cersei, the WoS was very much how I envisioned it in the books although I had to chuckle at how even the faith militant would punish the people punishing The Queen Regent with depreciating insults. A friend brought up the fact the Grand Master Pycele looked awfully nervous when she clamored in, will it be her to serve out the two kills in her council? Dany, loved the interaction with her dragon and I could appreciate the way D&D handled the Dothraki without Drogon interfering. It is as if she's had enough Damsel in distress moments and now its time for her to get herself out of it. I am not certain (without looking at the Game of Thrones recap by the Ds) if she drops her ring because she wants someone to find her OR if she doesn't want the Dothraki to know she abandoned Drogo. Jon and FTW. Sad not to see the Pink Letter happen but I suppose it could play out next S6 when Ramsay cannot find Reek or Sansa and believes them to be at the wall. I am pretty sure Mel or Davos will find Jon on the ground and reanimate him in time (why else would she ask Beric and Thoros how many times he brought him back when she was taking Gendry back with her.) Overall I give it 4/5 because HBO needs to allow for lengthier episodes to make them feel not as rushed.
  4. Pretty gripping episode. Sad to see Shireen get offed the way she did but I suppose it was one way that Team Baratheon was not destined back to the crown afterall, especially when you lose devotion from your followers. I seriously doubt Davos will continue following him after he finds out. Arya is back to making mistakes again... Wonder why Jaqar didnt act once he saw past that lie... Really felt for Dany and the arena, although they did make this into her into being a damsel she showed great strength to charge up on her dragon and escape to her true calling. The Dorne plot, i was hoping they would have revealed their 'real' intentions this time around like in the book but i guess they are stretching to make more of a story for KL and the Dorne side of things. Overall not as good as Hardhome but still the next best episode this season. I cannot wait for the finale.
  5. Little late to the discussion but snarked on the message board enough without posting my sentiments. Did anyone get super excited having Tyrion and Dany in the same room together? Finally two of my favorite characters in the books/show in a position of relevance to actually do something in the world. Loved it! Cersei getting her well deserved kick in the butt... Honestly I didn't enjoy it as much in the book as I do in the show... I feel more satisfaction seeing it and watching Lena's exceptional portrayal performed on screen. Still think they are rushing her prison scenes and the impending WoS. Arya, who doesn't get excited with her character finally able to start training and becoming of use to this nasty cold world. Lastly Hardhome... I thoroughly enjoyed it in almost every sense although the dread factor was missing something especially the fight sequence with Jon vs WW. WW easily dispatches the Thenn chieftain but ends up powder punching Jon just about everywhere in the tent lol. Yeah I know he has to live until such an event but come on... On another note the NK does have immense power but compare this to something his polar opposite will have at their disposal (IE Dany's dragons.) I think they have to up the anty considerably if NK has any chance of completely destroying all life as IT wants to. I just don't see mass undead doing anything spectacular unless he has undead giants or other creatures to swarm into the fray.
  6. As both a fan of the books and the show I love seeing the analysis and book fan criticism as well as the interpretations lively created for us from the show Still the show continues to impress and I will continue watching it, after all this is FICTION created from another human being on planet Earth. Something people forget or don't realize is its someone else's imagination and you are just riding in it even if its not on the same level as GRRM. Regardless I think its exciting to watch 75% of what I read come to life on the screen instead of just my imagination. Also getting to watch it and introduce others to the series and not just get talked down that magic and dragons make horrible and uninteresting stories. Personally I will probably not buy the last two books based on the fact I believe the show will end the series much sooner and pretty much the same fashion as GRRM intends. When the final two books get released 20 years from now, I think those that read on will still cry about how the show did them an injustice and that it didn't include such and such while those that are happy with the show move on.
  7. A lot of the new material is adapted solely for the television show and to keep things spicy. Personally Id rather see the hetero relationships more than the others... Missandrei and Grey Worm isn't that bad. I get why people are all hurt by the revelations this show is throwing at its audience but come on really? If you hate this show so much why do you watch it? You are only supporting it. Actions speak louder than words anyway... Yes I would love for them to include all the cool storylines in the books but that's just not possible with the tv show and budget. If the show followed so closely to the books this show would suffer immensely. Instead of focusing on core battles we'd instead get before and after montages or worse them just talking about how they beat their opponents. Anyway I believe Dark Sansa's story is quite pleasing in a way. She cements the hurt and traitorous guilt that Theon must be feeling inside... To openly admit to doing something so horrible and knowing that you didn't really kill Bran and Rickon must tug at Theon greatly. Crazy good exchange there. Dany coming off braver and stronger with every episode. I can see that she is definitely starting to rule as if she was meant to. Sadly without BS and JM by her side she has no one to consul with before things get really dangerous for her during the Pits. I am really looking forward to that though! Jon going up to help the wildings himself? Strange deviation... I don't think he actually goes... maybe he gets stopped by rogue NW members before he steps aboard a ship? Stannis... hell yeah! Hoping that the Greyjoys play apart in this skirmish when his army starts barreling towards the south. I do think that all his emphasis on the weather will come to pass and be the BIG reversal on his gains will be painful for him and his army before he even gets close to Winterfell. If this happens than Winter is Coming will only be accelerated at this point and we may perhaps see the Others reappear in the coming episdoes.
  8. Man and I thought my feelings were extreme lol. Wish someone could more eloquenty and non cursory send this exact statement and House Harrison's past since Season 2 analysis criticisms straight to D &D and see what they say. LOL I mean they will just say, we had the resources to make the tv adaptation come to life and not you....
  9. The book deviations while annoying can be a refreshing take on the saga as a whole. S5 is off to a grand start with storylines building and evolving. I wish Bran had some more stuff to do this season if at least to be a filler. I am more intrigued with the story of the Children of the Forest and Old Man raven than I am with the political agendas of Westeros. As for the purists vs the show; I might be alone when I say this but I feel as if GRRM should have made the writers more cognizant of his writings and storylines lest we have what is going on with the show right now. Now I have a feeling that HIS books will be tainted with the character butchering going on his show and his ending will certainly be spoiled. As much as I would be interested in buying the next couple books I feel as if I will be cheated in a way... I mean I am going to get practically the same ending brought to life via a decent television studio (you can't doubt HBO's credentials!). Purchasing the Winds of Winter might be my last GRRM purchase or library rental based soley on I wont need to read the last book to get the jist of what happens. In addition this story is about to end in about 2 seasons which is about 2 more years vs waiting for Winds of Winter plus the wait for the last book and judging by his last two entries that will be awhile more.
  10. Does anyone have a bad feeling on where the novel is headed since the show has come into fruition? I know that the show forerunners now have somewhat of a sense how GRRM will end the plot for his characters in the event (God forbid) he dies. I mean, take a look at the NW scenes and the cries about how uninteresting they have become? The first two episodes not concentrating on the aftermath of the white walkers attack at the fist kinda leaves me.... dissapointed on where things might eventually wind up. I know for budgetary constraints and the time needed to effectively act out such a scene(s) could be over burdening but still, if the show doesnt truly take the undead as seriously as its discussed and illustrated in the book I think that in the end, a dramatic invasion from the north down south wont likely happen. Maybe the white walkers are just one plot device on one side while the dragons are on another and everything else is pancaked tightly together. I am a bit apprehensive if we will get anything epic on terms of LOTR-ROTK but for a tv premium show not to at least instill the horror of the white walkers in everything their involved in certainly plays down their threat. So if the show doesnt take that seriously is our beloved novels beyond book 5 headed this direction you guys think?
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