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Planetos is Hell: The Ultimate Foil Theory


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After considering many theories and mysteries concerning the history of Planetos, it came to my mind that many characters and situations tend to repeat over and over again in the history of Planetos. In many separate cultures, there tend to be repeat instances of past events, even multiple incarnations of Azor Ahai. So what if Planetos isn't a planet at all? What if the Seven Kingdoms alluded to the Seven Circles of Hell. "Seven hells..." What if all the inhabitants of Planetos are just wretched souls, doomed to be reincarnated over and over again to experience the misery of medieval cruelty. What if Planetos is itself a meta-plane of the Afterlife? Beyond the Sunset Sea lies Paradise, but is damningly unreacheable to the inhabitants of Hell? What if the Children of the Forest are actually the demons who originally inhabited Hell. What if the Others are actually an Army of God trying to take back the souls trapped in Hell? The Red God Rhllor might be Satan himself. Or vice versa? That would make for a twist ending no one would have seen coming.

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