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The Three Heads of the Dragon (SPOILERS)


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So now that we know R+L=J is most likely true.  It's seems to indicate Jon will be one of the heads of the dragon, with Dani being another.  It got me wondering if there was some hidden hint GRRM left us that connects the two.  Then it suddenly dawned on me that both their mothers died while birthing them.  Then it also dawned on me the other character who holds this trait is Tyrion.  I think lends credance to the Tyrion being the third head of the dragon.  Also somewhat to the theory that he is Aerys' bastard son.  And we know from GRRM's novella on the dance with dragons that bastards can fly dragons.

Another that might also be possible is all three being convieved in rape. We know Dani was, theoretically speaking Jon would have been.  Also if Tyrion was Aerys' and not Tywin's it would have most likely been rape as well.  Although that idea is more dubious.

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"the Dragon has three heads" is just a prophecy, who knows if it will ever come to pass. GRRM is a devout Athesist so it seems unlikely that he is going to place very much importance on prophecies. This book is a big criticism of extremist religious beliefs( High Sparrow and his movement, Red priest burning people, Drowned priest drowning people etc.) 

What we know is there's three dragons and presumable there will be three Dragonriders. but if someone steals a dragon and rides like a Quentyn situation does that otomaticly mean they're one of the Heads of the Dragon? 

It seems pretty likely to me that Victarion will be able to steal/ride and tame a dragon with all the fresh meat he has collected on his way to Slaver's Bay. Does this make him one of the Heads, most of the people that think a dragonrider has to be a Targ would think not. 

There is some evidence that Quentyn may not have died, Im not convinced one way or another. If he is alive is seems like he might be one of these "heads" if he is alive?

Jon is the person everyone likes but there is one major problem... Geography. I think all dragons will be claimed before the dragons reach Westeros. A Dragon could have a rider that dies and is claimed again by someone else. 

If Dragonriding is like Warging that its probably genetic which makes it hard to just throw names out without evidence. Victarion and Quentyn are trying to Nettle the dragon. but people with possible Warg genes make a possible case as well. Bran, Sweet Robin, Arya, Sansa, Rickon, some random Wildling.

Point is the Dragon has three head will come true no matter what if someone claims the Three Dragons.    

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