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the 7 wonders of the world in GoT


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at first: yes i know the wall is a wonder in GoT and there is a list for worldwonders in GoT but my list and picture only refers to the greec world wonders i found in GotT

surprise: i found all 7:D and i waited for the last one since seson 5^^(2 very nice images for the tempel of artemis and th lighttower)

and now i can make this post with a cool picture:D (when you see the picture its really obvious that these ww are references to the greec ww.


on the left side are the wonders in Got on the right side(same spot) are the ancient ones. 

The Names are wiki links^^

1. Colossus of Rhodes = Titan of Braavos


2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon = Highgarden

we never seen Highgarden in a good perspectiv but it is always mentioned as a beatiful city with a lot of plants and there are some relly nice quotes but i dont find them.-. (i hope we see the city in season 7 o.o

3. Great Pyramid of Giza = Meereen

egypts yep slavery yep yeahh that is pretty obvious^^

4. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus = Hall of Faces

Artemis is the god of hunt, moon and protector of woman and young children (oh wow i am just realizing young child=aria o.o nahh is probably a coincedence^^) the god with many faces is the god of death and protector of the slaves and assassins are humanhunters^^ (also the temple is a column temple and the hall of faces is also a column temple just under earth^^)

5. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus = crypt of winterfell

only crypt in the series so yeah^^ also in both crypts are very huge and there are a lot of statues.

6. Lighthouse of Alexandria = Hightower

yeeeeeeesssss i found it T.T that takes soooo long... its a huge lighthouse... (there is not much to tell about it.. its a lighthouse)

7.Statue of Zeus at Olympia = THE IRON THRONE

the statue of zeus is standing in the richest city of greece olympia and zeus is the god over all other gods. and the iron throne is standing in the main city from the 7 kingdoms and the king is the king over all other kings^^


so why is this important?

1. it is not i found all 7 and it is just an cool easter egg^^

2. it is important and the ultimate foreshadowing.. why? because 6 of th 7 are destroyed. (not the pyramids so... good job daario^^)

what do you think which of those two options did george R.R. Martin?^^

ps: the statue of zeus burned down^^ just saying ;)

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