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Are there "avatars" of the religions of Westeros?


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There are five main god/gods shown in ASOIAF with there also being hundreds of smaller ones. Drowned God, Many Faced God, Old Gods, R'hllor, and the Seven are the five main religions that we've been introduced to, and they all have differing beliefs, rituals, and locations. The DG being on the bleak, and cruel Iron Islands, the MFG being on the diverse Braavos, the OGOTF being in the cold North, R'hllor being on a distant land, and the Seven being in the South. We've had characters that interact with religions ranging from Arya and the MFG to Bran with the OGOTF to Aeron and the DG. Anyways, do the religions have a "avatar" or a manifestation of the deity in a human? You had Lodos 1 and Lodos 2 who claimed to be the son of the Drowned God, but has there ever been someone said to be that specific deity incarnate? 

You could make the case that Patchface is the Drowned God avatar with his ramblings, and how he scares Melisandre, even more so since the Drowned God, and R'hllor could be considered opposites since the DG is associated with death, and R'hllor with life, and the obvious fire vs water mentality. Stannis is celebrated as Azor Ahai Reborn which we all know to be a farce, but we don't really have a R'hllor avatar besides that. Bran could be considered the Old Gods avatar with him being celebrated as the Three Eyed Raven in the tv show at least, and being one of the last known greenseers, which may be what the Old Gods really are. The OG being greenseers who are thought to be Gods etc. The Seven don't really have a manifestation as one person, but you can see interpretations of the Seven in people in ASOIAF like Arya being the Stranger, Sansa the Maiden, Bran the Builder/Smith, Ned the Father, Catelyn the Mother, Robb the Warrior, and "Rickon the Crone?" The Many Faced God is said to be every god with a different incarnation, and his avatars could be said to be the Faceless Men or Arya or such, but it's confusing.

Anyways, that's the end of my post, but do you think there are avatars of the main faiths of Planetos? 

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