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Wiki in German?


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No there are no such plans. To do this on the wiki a set of language variants would have to be setuped. That would take some time. Also are there really a lot of German speakers who would want to work on this?

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German is a major language and has a very large wikipedia site so I expected that there would be a wiki dedicated to the series. I checked a lot of websites, one of them this forum. It pretty big and they have discussed creating a wiki but they did not go through with it because they did not expect to have enough dedicated users (even though they have a lot of people on the forum).

So having a lot of fans is not enough: you need a lot of people willing to add information. Therefore I do not think having a German wiki on same site as AWOIAF works. I think we have less German speakers than the Eis und Feuer forum and therefore even less people willing to contribute on a German wiki.

But there is a wikia dedicated to the series. It is rather small but recently there is more activity. I have spoken with a user on it and tried to help with some info about copying and copyright. If they get that right and they can attract more people it may become a nice wiki.

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