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About WLU

  • Birthday 02/29/2000

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    Hate.<br /><br />Spite.<br /><br />German knives.<br /><br />Malice.<br /><br />Final Fantasy I.

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    Bob Bitchin'

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Landed Knight

Landed Knight (6/8)

  1. Myshkin is the closest you can get to a pansexual god - you should be scared. Scared and slightly horny. That's what David Bowie would do. Be. Whatever. Just don't go near Mick Jagger. Continue as you were - rationally, calmly, lucidly. Acquit yourself well, prove that we do have reasonable, non-trolling members. Debate from sources and books, prepare to give ground and concede points, grudgingly, if logically. Be prepared to admit a basic lack of agreement on aesthetic preference. Or there's that... Depends. Do you want to be called lame? Let me know your response. Honestly, is he even a doctor? And if he is, why didn't he just doctor himself a new face? Lame. Wanna drive him nuts? Only respond to his sensible points. Which is to say, ignore him. Carry on a long, reasonable dialogue with the rest of the board. Such bad taste... Sure, because two completely different things are basically the same. Hold on, did you give mouth-to-mouth? Yeah, then it counts.
  2. I've provided my comments (Electro - cool powers, LAME costume; what, could he not grow a beard as a youth?), I'm allowed to judge comic-book super villains by their costumes, thank you very much. Spider-Man needs somewhat lame villains, he's got cool fighting powers but doesn't really have what it takes to go toe-to-toe with the big guys, and doesn't reliably belong to a team. One of these days you're going to have to disclose a specific list of kinks, the curiosity is killing me. Pee is sterile. You can drink it. The same does not go for poop. Those are some real abortions of clothing there. The font is so convoluted you can barely read it. And I loved the frilly shirt, for pirate dress-up day! I might ask for a Fear the Yeard t-shirt for my birthday. If you look at Yeardii's pictures on wikipedia, he's thinning pretty badly on top. I see scalp. Bad double-eyed one! No personal attacks! Almost Donkey Raper of Truth? Is that new?
  3. That's the best forum thread I've ever read of all the ones posted here that link to TG.net. I think Pita aquits him/herself well. And we should totally involve on of the one-liners in our next thread. Also, the set of posts reinforce my belief that the Yeardites who aren't giant fantard 'Goodkind saved my life and can do no wrong'-types are quite decent. SilverStar was very kind to provide us an accurate and centralized list of argument shortcuts. I think it also illustrates that there's a fundamental disagreement in aesthetics that'll never be bridged between the two boards. Oh well, let's mock the yeard. Visualization is a legit technique in sport psych. It's used at high-levels, like Olympic levels, more as a way of programming the neurons to fire in the specific pattern you want, and to prepare yourself for competition mentally. It's also used by herb-swallowing, crystal-worshipping hippy New-Agers who think their disobedient children are avatars and that there's a teleology to the universe. 'Course, they use it more to get stuff they want than win at competetive sports. So one is used to improve one's own performance, the other is used in an attempt to magically (spaghetti-bounce) force the universe to adhere to your wishes. Plus, he still had sufficient promise that the blatant ripping off of other authors and the tropes of fantasy were more forgivable. Erzulie's post was a magnificent literary statue that made me weep. Underneath, in my mind, was written 'Yeardii = Douchebag'. It is perfectly legitemate to co-opt a thread to discuss comics. Comics rule. Turn the 'b' around and add an 'n', you've got it right. So long as you enjoy it as escapist literature and not a means of self-improvement, I'm cool with you, we can still be friends. Link. LINK!! Yeah, I don't know why I liked Moon Knight, I just did. Depends on the kink, doesn't it? Bondage, S&M, piss, feet, I'm cool with them. Cosplay? Bukkake? Car exhaust? I don't get it. Agreed. Manipulation of matter on a sub-atomic level = cool. Now I have to listen to Jaxom, he fed my inner geek. With a name like Galactus, I'd think you would have better taste. Seriously, Dr. Strange? Though you do have Emma Frost. Yeah, that makes us for it. I'll go google her now. "Look at me, I have a psychic knife. Oops, I'm dead!" - Psylocke. That might get you hurt. *slaps* You're a weird guy Zap. But I'm still amused. Did we ever figure out how Goodkind would eat a Klondike bar? Or was that Smarties? Gray or gay? I discern repressed homoeroticism in the Books of the Yeard.
  4. You're so wrong. Moon Knight. The Marvel wiki went through some wicked changes recently. I particularly like the ability to vote on how good their fighting skills are. She wore a raincoat. That was her costume. Her fireworks were 99% harmless. Havok rules, you've got no case. Scott and Jane are lame, I thought you got excited 'cause of some bizarre fetish. Can't imagine why I'd think that *looks at potsherds avatar* Though Jean Grey, when Phoenix, could manipulate matter at a sub-atomic level. How cool is that?
  5. I hate you so much. Why would you point out another lemming's hypocrisy? That's just mean. My sole defense is that I know the difference when I think about it. Which doesn't say much for my posts these days. It's even worse because I asked for non-moral clarity regards who's/whose a couple threads back. And received it. And apparently it didn't stick. Gambit was pretty cool, I mean, who wouldn't want the ability to blow shit up just by touching/throwing it? Though Spider Man (pre-movie) was always my fav. And for some reason, Moon Knight. At one time, I had the entire set of "The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe" as well as all the supplements. Jubilee? LAME. Also applies to Iron Man, though I don't really have a reason, I just think he sucks. Who's with me? Awesome: Spider Man Wolverine Adam Warlock Vision Magneto Colossus Nightcrawler Wen-DI-go! Silver Surfer Thanos No opinion: Prowler Dr. Doom The entire Fantastic Four The Hulk Daredevil Thor Lame: Wonder Man Hawkeye Iceman (I don't care if he's omega-level, LAME) Angel (all incarnations) Electro Captain America Dr. Strange Sandman Stiltman I am SOOOOOOO not surprised. I'm gonna have a heart attack and die from not surprise.
  6. Yup, that's the page. It was a whole lot fuller before I got to it. I assumed you meant the fictional explitive from HHGTTG. Oh, well I'm not THAT much of a comic geek. I judge you, sir. Were I a worse person, I would resort to name-calling. Zark? Really? I always thought Cyclops was pretty lame anyway. Havok is the way to go, anyone who can discharge plasma really kicks ass.
  7. Does anyone else hear anything? I could swear it's almost like someone's talking, but really quietly. Man that's annoying! I kid Jaxom. Your Zark reference intrigued me sufficiently to wiki-it. Then I found out what an abortion the page was, so I gutted it. Wikipedia thanks you, though doubtless several of the contributors do not. I think that posts can be pasted for discussion, particularly if they are from an anonymous source. Dissection for logical continuity strikes me as OK, though personal attacks are not. Of course, I'm biased... Might want to ask Wert or Mormont. Your fear makes my thing rise. By thing, I mean penis. And nipples. Just you freakshow :P It strikes me that any day where you spend part of it wondering where your pants are, must be a good day. Congratualtions. I commend your self restraint, I don't think I could manage it. ... You might want to edit that post man. Myshkin's a God and he might go David Bowie on your ass. Meaning he'd glitter up your wardrobe and possibly make you a bit gayer. Which could be fine, depending on what you want. Famed sex researcher and indiscriminate anything-fucker Alfred Kinsey thought everyone was a little bit gay. Good movie.
  8. Don't feel bad, I am the envy of many, many people. And I notice the effort, good for you! Re:spelling and grammar Irrespective of content, extremely poor spelling and grammar make people look like mouth-breathing 'tards and it's harder to take them seriously. It's the internet equivalent of showing up for a job interview wearing jogging pants and a pizza-stained t-shirt. Irrespective of qualifications or potential, the reality is that the first impression is not going to be a good one. If subsequent to this anyone can make up for it through phenomenal ability, experience or aptitude, or in the case of the internet, excellent arguments/proofs/references, they deserve congratulations on overcoming a tremendous disadvantage. In addition, not correcting ongoing basic mistakes when they are repeatedly pointed out to a person shows an unwillingness to learn (indicating a lack of respect for the audience) or inability (indicating the person is too stupid to figure out the difference between to/too/two, their/there/they're, who's/whose or its/it's. If the person on the receiving end of a poorly-spelled and grammatically incorrect argument can still take the post seriously and respond to it with logical points and reasoning, it's actually a credit to them, the receiver of the argument for being willing to look past the textual equivalent of plumber's butt and a t-shirt that doubles as a snack. Content is more important than spelling and grammar, but you're not doing yourself any favours by not bothering to learn how to do all three properly. Impressions count! Icing, gravy and the cherry on top is if you can tear apart the spelling and grammar while addressing the flawed contents of arguments. This applies, naturally, to all the works of the Yeard - he's got spelling mistakes, incorrect word choices, poor grammar and irregular past participles, AND the contents of his books could not be more offensive if they were written on the tanned skin of a baby with fecal ink diluted with a date rapist's scrotal sweat. Be that guy. Embrace that guy. Convince yourself that that guy is funny. Your thing will rise of its own accord. "Bamf" is the noise that Nightcrawler makes when he teleports. He's also a purplish-bluish colour, which I tried to capture with my choice of font colour. And thank you for asking :thumbsup: In which case we could easily merge GK I through to the current into a single uberthread that brings about the death of the internet. But we won't. Think of the children? Where will they get their pornography? You know who's greatness I miss? Mad Moose. Where is that crazy herbivore? I still feel I shall never fit the breadth of greatness that is between his mighty antlers. I'll concede that I go further than I should, but I hate him more than most methinks. I definitely think that posting on the board without a soul is in poor taste. We're too loaded to treat the big posters fairly, and the less objectionable ones, the reasonable ones, they just like the books and probably haven't swallowed the crappy philosophy. And we should respect that. That was last thread man, along with swearing and pants. Keep up! See, that kind of attitude means I don't have to, or get to give you a title. Well played sir, well played! May my praise mean ashes to you, and taste of salt. You forgot Wolf Maid, she beats us all. Plus, her avatar's totally hot. Anyone seen Jaxom around? I haven't seen him lately, but I don't want to be the guy who PMs him, in case his curse is contagious. And what's that buzzing noise I keep hearing?
  9. I wouldn't be too harsh, Mr. 'Landed Knight without a Title (and Obviously Missing Some Celery as Well)'. The mentally challenged generally don't bring it on themselves then gloat about it. I've lost track of if we're still being serious or not, but I'll grant that you do have some points. We're a bit short on interviews unfortunately, perhaps he finally got a PR consultant. Why replace when he apparently doesn't need or use either? I'm disappointed that no-one to date has commented on my X-Men reference. Sigh. As usual, MinDonner's parody is excellent. Though nothing will beat 'Shaker of Booty' in my mind.
  10. What I need is for Wolf Maid to get one of her old avatars back. I still don't think I'm on my A-game for the Yeardite bashing, I could've done more. My excuse is I spent a good part of the day rearranging receipts to claim money for my trip to San Diego. Holy shit it's polluted in California. It looks like it's humid, until you notice that the haze is brown and tastes like blood.
  11. Ladies and gentlemen, I present for your review: Palp: to have a distinct touch or feeling of; to feel. From a medical dictionary. I’ve also heard it used to describe when people are feeling an organ for the purposes of diagnosis. It’s a semi-official short form from what I know. And what manor of mistake would that bee? And he apparently missed the fact that there are both spelling and grammar errors, or he doesn’t distinguish between the two. How was he forced? Was he unable to understand the paragraph without it being corrected? Or some sort of obsessive disorder? Apparently it’s also a disease of those reading important human themes. I know I skim Yeardii’s works. To actually read each word would mean savouring the prose like a mouthful of shit. Most people can raed tnihgs lkie tihs, as lnog as teh lttres are all tehre the atcaul spllenig denos’t metatr. Everyone’s received that forward. Someone appears to be missing the point that content is more important than spelling and grammar, though Yeardii manages a perfect trifecta of crap. Dude, at least he fucking re-reads it and tries to have a coherent story. Tairy doesn’t bother to look at his old prose, and frankly I don’t blame him. Why shit something out then repeatedly taste it? He's not a rabbit. I’m pretty sure Robert Jordan’s reply indicates keen faculties well attuned to the finely grained bullshit that Tairy is both ripping off and spewing out. I’m also not really sure what the eyesight crack is referring to – obviously he can read or he wouldn’t have replied to a written letter. Of course, it’s possible that Jordan’s having his letters read to him and dictating his responses, in which case we should be blaming the person responsible for transcription. But I’m sure Mystar thought of that. I’m sure it’s always a double-PhD cardiologist responsible for all aspects of Tairy’s care, even the basic tests. ‘Cause a world without Tairy just isn’t worth living in. Oh, hold on, that's Bizzaro-world Tairy. Also, do you mean “…rather than a rabid fan like DF� I’m sure you did, and your criticisms of other’s grammar and spelling is just ironic. Final point – Mystar calling someone else a rabid fan? That’s extra funny. That’s the whipped cream on top of this whole argument, which itself is the feces that is produced when shame eats too much stupidity (Thank you Dale Gribble). The ‘rabid fan’ comment is the whipped cream, and that DF’s a notorious critic of Jordan is the cherry with the stem tied in a knot by a high-class transgendered hooker riddled with syphilis. I feel for tranny hookers, they’ve got it rough. It’s too bad many of them turn to prostitution when there’s such a lucrative porn market. Where was I going with this you ask? I look forward to the next time Mystar uses the term ‘pot calling the kettle black’. It will amuse me. Actually they both miss the point that Yeardii refers to it as a ‘defect’, not a blocked artery. Blocked arteries can indeed be treated through the use of keyhole surgery and catheter procedures, but this is a defect, not atherosclerosis. Given Jordan’s condition (cardiac amyloidosis), he may or may not need surgery, but irrespective, he shouldn’t need any arteries fixed – it'd be either a pacemaker or a new heart. Finally, Jordan is talking about heart examinations, Yeardii is probably talking about a congenital defect and Mystar is for some reason talking about blocked arteries. Since I’m not sure of the exact condition that the Yeard had, I’m not going to speculate on who’s wrong. But I will call the Yeard a douchebag. Tairy Goodkind’s a douchebag. This makes my above comment especially amusing. Here I thought I was merely pointing out logical flaws, turns out I was setting Mystar up to fuck himself with his own keyboard. I pay attention to what’s written, then do a tiny bit of research. The result is, I don’t say things that can make me look like a moron as often. Though I will admit I've been an idiot before. Condom joke. Also, there’s no errors in formatting or anything that could be addressed through a manual, so referencing directions is irrelevant. Plus, I thought he wasn’t supposed to swear, for all the twelve year olds posting on his website? Shame if in addition to reading about namble, gang, broom and political rape, they learned about the ultimate destination of sinful souls. Thanks for lifting that from our page. Did you know about that before? Actually, our constant chorus is the comparison of Richard to a Nazi. Since we’re not arguing with him, we didn’t lose that argument. Plus, it’s an irrational, emotional comparison to say we’re like Nazi’s, while it’s a very rational one to compare Richard with a Nazi (stifling of dissent, dictatorship, oppression of those who disagree with you, long speeches, black leather, it goes on). As a final point, HA! Mis-using Godwin’s law to ridicule a valid comparison is a diversion, meaning you’ve again lost the argument Mystar. Twice in one post, on Godwin’s law alone. If this is true, your Ventromedial prefrontal cortex must be severely atrophied. Actually, I don’t know if we’ve compared Goodkind to a Nazi, just Richard. Though I’m sure we’ve compared Goodkind to a psychopath, megalomaniac, a bag of vinegar and water used for washing out the vagina, and the literary equivalent of getting shot in the head. You provide people you don’t like with avatars, erase and block their accounts, and ignore their arguments. You, specifically. I kinda feel sorry for the other board members, most of them actually try to engage in discussion and disagreement when one of us posts over there (which usually ends up with ‘I disagree, here’s my reasons’ on both sides. Which we should respect and why we shouldn’t spam the other boards. If we want to discuss with specific Yeardites, we should PM them or invite them over on non-mocking, discussion threads. Otherwise it’s shitting in a big pool instead of just Mystar and Tairy’s hot tub of gayness. By which I mean mutual joy at finding each other, not homosexuality. Plus, calling someone a homosexual isn't an insult unless you are closed-minded homophobe bigot). When you post here, we point out the flaws in your argument, which you respond to by insulting us and ignoring our points, when you aren’t coming up with bogus statistics (how many Europeans want to move to the States by the way? Was it 90% or 99%?). Has your account ever been blocked? Have you ever had an avatar forced upon you? One board can be more aptly compared to a despotic government. Though still it is much more spurious comparison than that of Richard and the Nazis. Jaded can mean “Worn out, wearied, or lacking enthusiasm; exhausted or cynically insensitive; made callous by experience.†We’re not insensitive, we just think the Yeard exploits his audience, and his more enthusiastic fans have an irrational attachment to some of the more monstrous actions of the Sword of Truth’s protagonists and insane or flat-out false ideas of the author. At worst, that makes us hypocrites (because we’re irrationally attacking him). However, most of the evidence I’ve seen leads me to think he’s fucking crazy or shitting-blind stupid. MALTARAN - I updated your user page on wikipedia 'cause they removed the old image of 'Constipated Tairy with His Arms Crossed Angrily Because He's a Serious Author of Important Human Themes and Will Never Feel Joy.' FYI
  12. * * BAMF * * What the hell am I doing here? I was just taking a crap. DON'T LOOK AT ME I'M HIDEOUS!! *pulls up pants, gets to work* Mystar is on record somewhere that he is the one that Yeardii calls whenever he's not sure about a plot point or continuity. So apparently we have two people to blame for any plot holes - Mystar for not mastering his lord and saviour's religious texts, and the Yeard himself for being fucker too lazy to re-read his own books or keep track of his own world. Of course, I suppose he figures that since his magic system is so incredibly mechanical and realistic, he doesn't have to think about it much. Also easier to do if you make it up as you go along rather than planning it out. I've got an even better definition that's medically appropriate and shoots down this point even better. I laughed when I saw the Daddy comment. I notice you're back to the bondage-themed avatar. Your avatar and Wolf Maid's should have some sort of filmed competition of unfixed nature which is forwarded to me for review. You can read between the lines. The winner would get... I dunno, a title? Pick your perversion and I'll see if I can mail it. Incidentally, originally I thought WM was double-posting, I mostly distinguish between avatars by shading and contrast. Actually looking is too much work. An irony that scarcely needs to be pointed out, but it's fun to do so anyway. Let's not forget, he might have the heart of a 16 year old because he tore it, still beating, from the chest of a 16 year old, then tore out the brain of a cardiac surgeon and installed the heart himself. I'd buy that even his yeardliness could fuck up autocardiovascular surgery. The angle must be all wrong. I think we can all safely assume that Tairy's standards are somewhat skewed from the rest of us. My hate tastes like bernaise sauce. What can I say, I like rich foods. This post made me forgive your avatar, which still gives me a headache. I know you won't change it, because that would be choosing death. Just be aware of my pain. Mystar has six basic ways of dealing with arguments: 1) Personal attacks 2) Claiming victory despite evidence 3) Making up evidence (often accompanies 1) 4) Pretending to have the backing of authority figures 5) Sucking up to and flattering authority 6) Gomer-Pileing ('shucks, I guess I made a little mistake - gollee gee!' He uses this one when 5 doesn't work, or when he fucks up and there is proof) Wanna know why? When Rand, or anyone else says it, there's the threat of death or injury. When Richard says it, you know he's going to come out of it with a minor flesh-wound at the worst. That whole two months of torture with Denna apparently didn't result in any impairment of function whatsoever. The kind who's banging his secretary.
  13. You know what helps more? Having a WLU quote in the sig. That'll get you a title faster than a hummer gets you crack. Pat may be the original, but Myshkin is chief. It's like how there were other War Wizards before Richard, but he's still the bestest EVAR 'cause he's so HOTT. Every time I think he can't be more of a douchebag, he just drags himself deeper into the bag. I swear to God he's a robot, or a made-up person that some TOR executive created as a publicity stunt. Or a bet. "Hey Jim, I bet you a dollar I can get the public to buy the most God-awful crap." 11 years later he cries himself to sleep at night on his money-pillow. Congrats on the new position! If you're teaching English, use the books of the yeard to demonstrate flawed grammar. Help the Church of Lemmings grow. My favourite - "There is no such thing as pure good or pure evil, especially in people." Which contradicts just about every hero and villain in the series. Read your own books douchebag, you contradict yourself. Reading those quotes is like reading a 'best of Successories quote a day calendar'. Particularly 'Size matters - Richard's hands are very large. They fit perfectly over my breasts'. I think we're more of a Despair.com bunch. We should send this one to Tairy and Mystar. Oh no, profanity! Heaves above, think of the children?!?!?! I better make sure they read the Sword of Truth instead. Because namble-rape, menstrual blow-jobs and self-absorbed, -aggrandizing and -promoting philosophy are MUCH better than pottymouth. You will note that you got two titles out of that, and the second was a trick. Challenges to fights only take you so far. I think you got the titles you did more out of your plotting for revenge than anything else. Ooh, I just saw Myshkin's post, I've got something to tear holes in. Off to have breakfast and ruminate!!
  14. I feel it necessary that step four is the most important. A lemming without a title is like a War Wizard without a gay-Liberace cape or Richard without his 'special smile'. I'd just like to post an edited postcount, to represent what my count would have been were I not flying back and forth between San Diego for the past four days. So much like we know Richard is honourable, just and kind by being told, I win the thread by saying so. Get it right people! One can't join the Lemmings of Discord, one rises up and deserves Lemming of Discordship. No one said choosing life is easy. Look deep inside your soul. If what you see is black, empty and soulless, you've got a head start. I suggest a joke limerick that involves a faux-Tairy story that quotes Ayn Rand. Or choose the easier option - find an interview and mock it. If you see a vapid desire to latch on to hollow philosophy, you might want to check out some other boards. PM me, I've got some suggestions. Here's a hint, they may involve a certain person's name. That starts with T. I still prefer something involving 'Look what the Yeard has wrought'. 1) One would think it would require an organ more necessary than the spine. I prefer to hate with my liver, though for loathing I use my entire lymphatic system. You'd die without a lymphatic system, unlike a stinking spine. 2) Myshkin is chief lemming, if you can't follow him you can't follow anyone. Maltaran - the picture of the Yeard we've been using on wiipedia has been deleted, I'm going to try replacing it. For all those who commented on tg.net on the last thread, be aware that Mystar lost. Thus. I know you're not surprised.
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