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Status Updates posted by inkasrain

  1. Has anyone else understood in a blinding flash of terrible clarity just why Septa Mordane's hair earned a mention? #GameofThrones #Baelor

  2. Tonight on #GameofThrones: Catelyn gets what she wished for. And then she doesn't. #Baelor

  3. 3 of 5 stars to Wither by Lauren DeStefano http://bit.ly/kgSCOB

  4. No #ff but here's who I don't follow: Semi-celebs who ask for help "getting 2 50000, SOO close!!" How about earning your influence yourself?

  5. Baby Mo decided he's going to marry me. I was his second choice after his mom (she told him she's already married) but I'll take it ;-D

  6. Saw Bridesmaids last night. X-Men was much better.

  7. It turns out that the need to shower after a two-day holiday trumps the fear of electrocution via lightening storm during said shower.

  8. M'kay, off to have Shavuos! See ya Thursday night, my friends.

  9. The shockingly easy salmon en croute (via @sortedfood) is in the freezer. My edible contributions to Shavuos are complete!

  10. Keep thinking about how X and Erik's relationship leaves off- no animosity, still friends, but on opposite sides. SO interesting. #xmen

  11. It's not Friday, except that it kind of is Friday.

  12. Challah is in the oven. Tomorrow, scones and then prep and freeze the salmon en croute. (Oy. I'll be a balabusta soon if I'm not careful.)

  13. I think #Xmen is the blueprint for a perfect movie. Training sequences: ✓ Emotionally-intellectual bromance: ✓ Dead nazis: ✓ James McAvoy: ✓

  14. I believe I have just completed the fastest preparation of challah dough since Exodus. #goingtoseeXMEN

  15. When they mentioned needing the Freys to cross the river, I was all NOO! HAVE YOU PEOPLE NEVER HEARD OF SWIMMING?? #gameofthrones #pointyend

  16. OH did I just get an idea for a story.

  17. I wrote my fan letter to Tom Hiddleston. Now to put my tattered dignity into the shredder and somehow figure out the postage to the UK. #sad

  18. I can haz Z-Pack plz?

  19. #YAsaves because there's no medicine for growing up.
  20. ... And then you find out from a different source that said guy is moving to Atlanta, and said friend becomes silent on the subject?

  21. Part of me thinks that somebody in charge is just using the words "electrical fire" to calm down all the Muggles. Where'd I put my wand...

  22. "Have you lost your sense of wonder? / Was it never really yours?" @vixyandtony #randomdeepsonglyrics

  23. At HOW TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS WITHOUT REALLY TRYING. I didn't realize how crazy goofy this show was! Fourtunately, it is cheering.

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